Chapter 8

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The darkness surrounded me, I looked around frantically trying to find Jason, Ritsu, anyone that I knew. Off in the distance I saw two forms, they looked familiar. "No it can't be," I ran towards the forms, "Mother! Father!" I smiled as I ran towards them. I called to them again, they turned around, a woman with a kind smile, fiery red hair and deep brown eyes like my own held out her hand to me, "mother!" I tried to grab her hand, but came up short. They became more and more distant, they disappeared. I heard screams of agony, I looked over my shoulder to see the source of the screaming, my whole body froze and my eyes widened. A dark female figure loomed over two lifeless bodies, not just bodies, mom and dad! I screamed, "Mom! Dad!" I ran to attack the dark figure, but it dodged my attack instead it plunged a blade into my back, just barely missing the important veins and my heart.

"Rose!" Two voices said in unison. I looked towards the voices source and saw Jason and Ritsu.

"Jason, Ritsu, run! Run away!" I screamed, the dark figure ran towards them. I was incapable of helping them, the pain was too great. I saw the blade plunge into them.

"No!" I shot up in bed, drenched in cold sweat, my breathing was harsh, and my eyes stung, I wanted nothing more than to breakdown and cry, yet I knew I couldn't. I had to stay strong.

I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen to get some water, "Rose?" The light to the kitchen flicked on, I whirled around to see Jason standing by the light switch.

"J-Jason," I paused "I didn't wake you did I?"

His voice was quiet, and laced with sleep deprivation, "Actually I'm awake because I heard you scream."

I looked to the floor, "I'm sorry Jason. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, but why did you scream?"

His question made my whole body tense up. 'Can I really tell him about my nightmare?' "I-it was nothing" my voice stuttered, I walked past Jason towards my room, I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"Don't lie to me Suzuki Rose," my eyes began to sting again. "It's not nothing. Please tell me that way I can protect you."

I didn't turn around, as my was frozen and my eyes widened in shock, 'protect me? Why? How?' "Protect me? How can you protect me when you can't even protect yourself!" I was pulled back into a tight embrace.

"Don't keep putting up this wall around yourself. You'll only end up alone," Jason whispered into my ear.

"You're right, I'm alone. I don't have a family. I don't have anywhere to go. I've just been running away from the past all these years." I buried my face in his shirt to keep him from seeing my saddened expression.

Jason led me over to the couch and sat us both down, "Rose tell me something."

"Huh?" I looked at him with a confused look, "what do you wanna know?"

"Your manga, Case Dark Angel," he paused, "the characters, the story-line, they are all real. Aren't they?"

'He figured it out,' "Yea, they are," my voice was quiet and laced with sadness.

He set my black sketch book on the coffee table, and opened it to the last page I had drawn, it was a image of my parents lying motionless on the ground, drenched in blood. A short feminine figure painted in their blood wielding a knife. Jason pointed the woman in the image, "Who is she?"

"I don't remember," I replied in a barely audible voice, I was fighting back 24 years worth of tears.

"Rose, please try to remember at least what she looked like," Jason placed a hand on my shoulder, "Please."

I stood up quickly, "It hurts to remember her! It physically hur-" I was cut off by a sudden pain in my upper back

"You little bitch!" I familiar female voice shouted from behind me.

"Again with the names Lilith?" I asked as I turned to face the short lavender eyed woman. "How did you get in here?" Crimson eyes met deep lavender ones, Lilith bore her fangs at me, I bore mine in response. She raise her weapon against me, but instead of racing towards me she charged Jason. "Jason! Run!" I leaped in front of him just as Lilith was about to plunge the dagger into his torso. Instead of hitting Jason she hit my left side. The blade was plucked from my side and an immense pain took over. 'No way in hell I'll let that God forsaken dream to become reality!'

I saw Jason run into his room, he slammed the door and I heard the click of the lock. That was my signal that I was good to go. I smirked, my pupils dilated and the black pigments with in my eyes became brighter, mending with the crimson. A low demonic chuckle left my lips. My human conscious was fading rapidly, the demon quickly taking over. "Lilith, are you ready to die?" I looked up at her terrified face. "What's the matter? I thought you came here to kill me?"

"Kill you?" She paused as she looked down, "Oh no. I'm here to kill those two humans you have taken a liking too."

I laughed quietly, "taken a liking to?" My laughter became louder with every word that passed through my lips. "Don't make me fucking laugh!" My laughter seized when Lilith stabbed my torso. A little bit of my blood dripped onto the floor. I kneed her in the face, as she stumbled back I took this opening to strike biting her neck. My fangs pierced her skin, her venomous blood began to pour into my mouth.

My fangs injected my own concoction of poison into her blood. Her blade plunged into my stomach several times before my grip on her neck loosened. She broke away from my grip, and jumped out of the open window. 'How convenient for you Lilith.' I walked over to Jason's room and knocked on the door. My human conscious began to return, "Jason, it's safe now."

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