Chapter 4

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I awoke in 'my room' I was back in Jason's apartment. 'Did he carry me up here?' I thought as I sat up. I glanced over at the clock, 6:39 in the morning. 'Jason should be up by now.' I got dressed and walked into the main living room. Sure enough, there was Jason sitting at the table with a note pad. 'Why would he have a note pad? Well then again.... he is editor and chief of the manga department so it only makes sense' I walked over to the table, he looked up at me.

"Here," he handed me a black spiral hard cover book

"What's this?" I opened up the book, it was completely blank.

"It's a sketch book," he replied

I looked at him with a rather odd expression, "what for?"

"I picked up my notepad and saw all of your drawings. I figured you needed a real sketchbook to keep them in." He replied as he held up the notepad I had been drawing in the day prior.

"Oh," I paused and looked at the floor, "Thank you so much Jason-San!" I was actually happy, this person who had hardly knew me for a week, gave me a gift. For the first time in a long time, I smiled a true genuine smile.

'I almost forgot,' I went to the center of the living room. "This place is under my protection, and I shall not allow any to desecrate it, I seal the place with my life until the day I parish!" A white barrier made of pure light energy formed along the walls, Jason looked astonished and amazed. As the light fade my body became heavy, I fell to my knees. 'Why do I not have the stamina to cast something so simple at a sealing spell?' Jason ran to me as I lay there on my knees.

"Rose what the hell was that? What'd you do?" His voice was laced with worry. Why was he worried about me? After all I'm just a demon freeloader who he's not even supposed to know.

"I...I'm fine Jason-san," I paused "just used up a lot of my energy casting the protection spell." He helped me get on my feet and we got ready to leave.

Ten minutes later, we were on our way, Since we had a lot more time Jason decided that we'd take the train to Marukawa. He bought the tickets and we slipped them into the gate as we passed. We quickly navigated through the crowd to the train car. It so happened to be rush hour and everyone wanted to get to work on time.

If it weren't for Jason I'd be soaring through the early morning sky, but now I find I enjoy the company I Jason and the boys at Marukawa, they're all kind (when it's not hell week) and sweet especially Torez-San. He's very formal yet he's the sweetest guy there. (and it's quite obvious he likes Jason.)

The train was crowded but the ride was rather quick. When the announcer said the right location we weaved our way through the crowded train and exited it. I was so glad to be out of such a large crowd.

We made our way to Marukawa and went to the third floor. The same floor I'd probably be spending a lot of time at. It was pretty nice, I get to sit in a huge bean bag chair, read as many books as I want and draw whenever I please.

As we walked into the office I was met with Luke-san and Mike-san, two of Jason's coworkers. I've come to realize that these people were more than just coworkers, they were like family. Something I'd never have. My family I'd long dead.

My expression turned from happy to sad in the blink of an eye. "Suzuki-san? Are you okay?" Luke asked worry was clear in his voice.

I forced a smile, "Yes. I'm fine." I said as I flopped down on the beanbag. I didn't have the energy to read, nor the power to draw at the moment. I just wanted to sleep, so I did. The moment I closed my eyes everything turned black and I slipped into yet another dreamless slumber.

I must have been more tired than I thought. When I woke up it was two in the afternoon, quickly I sat up. I noticed Luke and Hatori were both looking at me with a rather loving look. "Do you guys mind not looking at me with those fanboying eyes?" I asked getting kinda creeped out.

"Oye! Get back to work!" Jason yelled. He clearly scares the shit out of them, Because they began to write and type frantically. I just stared up at Jason, "what?"

"Nothing really," I replied. I grabbed my sketch book that Jason had given me and began to draw what really looked like a really Japanese manga.

I spent the next five hours just drawing my own manga. 'I wonder if Jason would lend me some inking pens'

"Oye! Rose! Are you ready to go home?" Jason asked

"Huh? O-oh yea!" I replied as I shut my sketch book. Getting up from my comfortable spot I ran to the elevator.

"So what were you drawing this time?" Jason asked

"Oh um nothing really," I replied. Truth be told I drew up like four or five volumes of manga one the last few hours but like hell I'd tell him that.

"Can I see your sketch book?" He asked holding out his hand.

Reluctantly I said "I....guess so?" I handed him the book, as he opened it his eyes became wide and he looked over at me.

He thumbed through the pages, "You drew all of this?" I nodded hesitantly "Publish it."

"HUH?! You want me to do what?!" I practically screamed

"Get this published I'll even be your editor." He said still looking amazed.

I sighed, "I'll think about it." As I said that the door to the elevator opened and we exited into the lobby. 'Shit! We didn't drive here and I seriously hate being on a train or even on the bus, hmmmm' "hey Jason? "

He looked back at me with his amber eyes, "What?"

"Have you ever flown before?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"No why?" He asked giving me a confused look*

"Wanna fly home?" I put a lot of emphasis on the word fly. He shrugged and gave me his signature 'I really don't care look.' Suddenly my black angel wings appeared and I picked Jason up.

I hadn't flown in so long, it felt nice to have the wind blowing in my face. I could see so many people, I'm really glad I make it so that people can and cannot see me. I'd be a lot of hassle to have to try and explain why some chick had wings and was flying.

I flew us all the way to the apartment building. To his surprise it took less time to get there by air than by any other form of transportation.

When Jason and I got up to our floor, and got to the correct apartment, he sat down, while I made dinner. This was the original agreement for allowing me to stay here. I'd keep the place looking nice and I'd prepared some meals.

I made a pretty good steak and vegetable dinner. After I was finished making dinner we sat at the table and discussed whether I should publish my manga or not.

Considering that I'm a demon, a well known one at that, it wouldn't be smart to publish a manga under my real name. That'd attract more attention to the publishing company, that's what I'm trying to avoid.

Jason gave me a curtain look that's so convincing, the same one he gave me to ride the train during rush hour, "So why not publish it under a fake name? Yoshino-San does and he's never had any problems."

I took a sip of water and said, "That could work." 'I really want a name that will still have some reference to me'

"Then it's settled," he paused, "You'll publish this manga and using a fake name."

"Yea!" I felt a sensation I haven't felt in a long time, happiness, that what it was, but when was the last time I was actually happy like this.

Jason showed me how to ink the pages, do background and cover pages for my new manga, 'Case Dark Angel' my pen name, Amber fire.

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