Somethin' Ain't Right.

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 I'm having a lounge day w/ my mommy ! : )

Oh and sorry I haven't been uploading this one , it's just that I had writer's block , but this brilliant idea popped up in my head and now I'm writing ! Whoop Whoop !

Evie's P.O.V.

Lately the guys have been secretive , and us girls haven't been diggin' it. Something ain't right. Right now we are planning to go spy on the guys , since they are gone out some where.

"Guys ! Help me with my hair !" Sodee cried coming to the frame of the bathroom door.

"Why you so whelmed up? Just put it in a messy bun, and why are you so sparkly?" Victoria asked confused.

"Well I'm sparkly too if you haven't noticed!" I confessed. Victoria looked over at me and shook her head in disbelief.

Evie's Outfit:

Sodee's Outfit:

Victoria's Outfit:

"Lets get this show on the rode !" I yelled as we walked out the hotel room. Sodee hurried and got the room key and put it in her pocket. We walked down the hallway and into the elevator.

"Okay , where did the boys go?" Sodee asked as she pressed the 'G' button in the elevator.

"Well I was snooping on Jacob's phone , and they're going to be at the park." Victoria confessed.

"How do they even know where the park is if it's their first time being in Centennial , Colorado? " I asked confused.

"They must have sources" Victoria shrugged.

"But they've been out every night we come to a new city , and its not with us. " Sodee said rubbing her temples as the elevator door slid open.

We walked out casually with out purses in out hands , with our phones in our back pockets and walked over to the door , exiting the hotel. The sun shone bright on us as we looked at the sun smiling. We made our was to the 2012 corvette, Chevrolet corvette and hopped in the car. Victoria driving as I jumped in the backseat and Sodee climbed in the front. Sodee sighed loudly as Victoria started up the car.


"Sodee don't think like that! They wouldn't do that to us.," I said interrupting Sodee.

"How did you know what I was going to say?" She said while looking at me from the rear-view mirror.

"Because I know you."

She sighed again , and before we knew it we were arriving at the park. We jumped out the car and stood on the passengers side of the car so people couldn't see us from the park.

"Tell me why we're wearing black if its daytime?" I asked looking at our clothes.

"Well it won't make a difference since both of all are sparkly , the sun might reflect off y'all." Victoria laughed.

 "Enough playing around , we need to get to business , do y'all have your walkie-talkie's?" Sodee demanded, getting-down-to-business.

+ + +

Sodee's P.O.V.

I hid behind the slide as I saw Jawan talking to a girl. Somthin' ain't right. I lifted the walkie talkie to my mouth as I spoke and pressed the big red button.

"I've spotted Swag Bear sitting on a rock and talking with another girl , come in."

The walkie talkie chirped , "Who's Swag Bear?" I hear Evie ask.

I rolled my eyes to myself, "Jawan dumbie . . "


"Guys enough of this , I'm hungry and haven't ate all day. We'll come back later. Come to the car , like now."  Victoria commanded while slightly yelling causing Jawan and the girl to look back my way.

I held the walkie talkie to my chest and turned down the volume all the way. They turned their heads and I ran back to the car. I quickly jumped in the back seat and looked at Victoria.

"You almost got me caught!" I exclaimed and slapped her on the arm , while Evie busted out laughing.

"Shut up."

She started the car and we drove off. Looking back at the park , I saw Jawan kiss the girl he was with on the lips. A tear slowly slid down my face as we grew farther from the park.

Victoria's P.O.V.

We ate , disscussed what happened at the park , and how we're going to handle it. We all went our seperate ways. Evie is at the mall , Sodee is at the movies down the street , and I'm in some alley hiding behind a garbage can.

The sun was just setting and Jacob was talking to the same girl. He grabbed her face and made her look at him , he put one hand down at went for her  neck. Her head went back , as she fell , slowly to the ground. He looked around and walked out the alley , passing me. Somethin' ain't right.

Once I noticed he was gone , I walked over to her and saw her eyes closed , and her head tilted. I pulled out my phone and flashed the light over it and saw two holes in her neck with blood coming down. Shocked , I quickly let go of her and backed up against the wall , on the opposite side of her .

Evie's P.O.V.

Being the creep I am , I was hiding behind a big branch outside the mall , watching Ace and some girl talk.

He was holding her arm , pleading for somthing.

"For the last time , NO! " She yelled.

Ace looked at her with evil eyes , yanked his arm from hers , and ran off into the forest. I looked back at the girl and saw her walking back into the mall. I quickly got up and sprinted to the forest.

Running through the forest , dodging trees , and branches in the way . I came to a complete stop. I looked to my right , and saw Ace punching a tree. He began to grow taller and his face changed into to something completely different ,that I couldn't make out. Hair started to grow on him , and his clothes started to rip off.

My walkie talkie chirped.

"He couldn't be . . . " I whispered to myself.

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