Chapter 10. Hidden Film.

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Author's note: This chapter reveals something that is crucial to the story. But much of the paragraphs below were left out of the final book.

'It's an arrangement, Harry. It's not so bad.' She thought about her own words and realised it wasn't fair on Harry to drag him into her affairs. Since her divorce she'd done alright in her personal life, so why make it more complicated with a third person? she wondered. The doubts invaded her mind, doubts over the potential flare-up between her two men and how it would impact on her. Staying independent and not getting too involved with either man suddenly looked appealing.

These thoughts melted away as she let his arm on her shoulder squeeze her, to bring her closer. She turned her head, his hand on her face, his thumb wiped away any trace of her tears, and his lips felt soft. Any tension evaporated as she craved for more of Harry, more of his inner strength, to feed the hunger, the lust that was building inside her. Time stood still as they held each other and kissed.

He broke the embrace and whispered, 'You're getting me aroused.'

She reacted with a hitch in her breathing and a pebbling of her nipples. If only she could forget everything, she thought, and go back to a home they both shared in the same way regular people do. His fingers brushed over her jaw and cheeks until he pushed them through her hair to cup the back of her head. She put her fingers to his lips. 'I need to think, Harry.'

Older Man Rich Girl. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now