Chapter 31. Find Her.

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He phoned Weasel. This was a risk because it raised the chances of Jacques finding out.

'Do you have any news on Corinne?' he asked Weasel.


'Where is everybody?'

'We've been told to go to Wittering.'


'It's her seaside place. She wants to relax by the sea apparently.'

Harry held his emotions in check. Corinne had mentioned a second property, south of London, in Sussex, which he hadn't visited. But she would have told Harry if she had decided to head for Wittering instead of London.

He could hear Weasel breathing heavily.

'Is that where you are now, at Corinne's house, by the sea?'


'What's the address?' He hoped Weasel had the sense to get out of earshot of anybody else. He noted down the address.

Harry disconnected and found the location on his mobile maps. He estimated a drive of two hours to get there. As he drove down the Fulham Road the thought occurred to him that Weasel may have shifted his allegiance from Harry back to Jacques. In which case, Harry would be walking into a trap. 

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