Chapter 11. Legal.

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As they ambled back to the house, Brian asked, 'When are you going to settle down and lead a normal life?' He put a hand on Harry's shoulder. 'Open your eyes ... girls go nuts over you. Remember last month at my birthday party? The yoga teacher? She can't stop asking after you, according to Ann.'

'Your wife does yoga?'

'Yes. And the teacher wants to date you apparently.' Brian chuckled. 'Perhaps she hasn't seen how you sometimes lack subtlety. The directness of what you're thinking, which then automatically comes out of your mouth, would put me off. But women still want you!'

'I'm not a good prospect for marriage. For starters, I have no money.'

'So what? The sort of female attracted to you, Harry, doesn't care about money. According to Ann, you're attractive to women because you're fit. And they seem to like your directness, which makes them laugh apparently. And the yoga teacher feels you listen and understand her, which means what? ... I don't know!'

'I guess I'm cautious. I have the wisdom to look for red flags. Those little signs of how things could go wrong once the initial novelty of marriage has worn off. Routine domesticity doesn't appeal to me.' He took his sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on. Everything looked better through the Ray-Bans, including the sky of mid-blue. 'Nice day isn't it?'

'Don't change the subject, my little brother. The point is, there are half a dozen women that I know of who'd rip your pants off if they could.'

'I listen to what women say and I care about them, which is why I was asking about this secret film. As for romance, I'm not a good deal for any girl. I'm away too much, abroad in Europe.'

Brian paused to bend down and pat the family dog. 'You don't fool me, Harry. This job you call ''management consulting'' isn't your average nine-to-five job. I don't even know the company you work for. And every time mum asks about your work, you neatly side-step any detail.'

'I review Government efficiency systems in various British Embassies. I'm not meant to tell anyone, but you're my best mate, so please keep it confidential.'

Older Man Rich Girl. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now