Shameless Advertising

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Well, maybe not shameless, but...

If you think I'm a good critic from all that is this book, then you can PM me if you'd like me to critique your work. 

I just need your profile name, the title of your book, how long this book's been up, if it's completed or not, what type of work it is, and how many chapters you want done (three chap. max). 

Looks like this:

Profile Name:

Your Name: (optional)


Completed or Continuing or On-Hiatus:

Type of Work: (Novel, Short Story, Poem, Other)

How Many Chapters: (I do only up to three chapters and it depends on length of chapters-I determine how much I critique)

and that's it!

I don't do erotica. I'm starting to do (some) fan-fiction. Everything else is fair game. 

If any bit of this is unclear, ask me, I will gladly explain! 

I have a library that is full of examples (first four are the most recent I believe), if you'd actually like to look at what I critique. I have some people who you could probably talk to and see if I'm the right person for you. I don't have that info now, though, so sorry. 

And my payment I will give to you when you send me the request! It's a pretty simple payment. 

But yeah, if you want me to critique your work, just send me a private message and I can re-send you the information you need (or, of course, you can get it from here).

Sorry to advertise, I know that's probably kind of annoying. But here's a thing that I can just kind of keep up instead of having to repost every week (I really hate the stupid threads that have taken over the clubs but whatever). 

So, yeah. 

Hope you all had a great holiday! I should post again soon, something not so self-absorbed and look at me kind of thing. But yeah. Happy New Year!

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