An Argumentative Chapter

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This chapter is all my argument to a certain critic and what he posted. Now, he's a really smart guy and knows what he's talking about, but I disagree with something he says. I'm not going to say who it is because I don't want anyone going after him because he's probably a really nice guy and it was in his rant book which means it's his territory and you have no right to yell at him there. Also, if you stumble across his stuff, I want you to learn from him, because what he has to say is really interesting and cool. 

The other day I saw this little book out about in wattpad that was REALLY helpful in critiquing--I mean that, he was incredibly smart and apparently he had done this professionally and whatnot and I just went "wow, you know what you're talking about".  A lot of things we came to the same conclusion with, some things I learned that are new. Happy times are here, right? 

One thing I didn't like (and actually quite irked me) was this:

"You aren't professional critics, your opinion isn't WORTH anything, so don't act like it does." (This is when he's talking about why critics don't deserve payment on here.)

I disagree, very much so, in fact. Here's why. See, I think he's got some credibility in saying this--he's right, in the end, our opinion doesn't matter. But then again, NEITHER DO PROFESSIONAL CRITICS, not really. In the end, if a person wants to keep what they have written, a professional critic won't make them sway. 

Two, our opinion is worth as much as the author deems it's worth. Some authors may take ANY reader's thoughts and opinions into their novel. Someone might be stubborn and not take any. THE AUTHOR decides what our opinion is worth, not what you think. You deem us unimportant--fine--but they might not. You have no right to tell us that our opinion means nothing, just his phrasing was agitating to me. That's my opinion anyways. 

Now, the final thing. I understand that demanding payment is stupid on wattpad--but he makes it sound like we want money. A lot of times, a critic wants a fan or a dedication or a critique on their story as well. What's so wrong with that? This is a website, man, and a lot of time what we're critiquing are teenager's work (and the critics at times are teens too) so if they want a payment on their story, why not? How does that harm you? If you don't like it, find a critic who doesn't do it. Don't spend your time trying to be high and mighty, because that's what it sounds like t ome.

I'll be honest, I like a "payment". It's not an absolute demand, I don't yell at the person for not doing it. Why I ask them to look at my stories is ACTUALLY because I want them to make sure that they think my writing is credible enough for THEM to want me to critique it. Now, does a critic have to be a good writer? No. But, if their story is always plotless, their characters are ungodly flat, they can't even good grammar out ever, then I wouldn't trust them to critique my story. Especially if they think they're really good. I mean, are you kidding? I'm sorry, I see that as a situation of the blind leading the blind. So, I let them take a look at mine (and yes, I ask for some tips--I'm a struggling writer too) so what's the harm in that? I'm not SAYING I'm a professional in worthy of payment, I'm just saying that "hey, it'd be nice if you looked at my story, because I'm not sure what I'm doing either. And because I'm spending ___ amount of time on your story, it'd just be a really super sweet thing you could do for me." 

If you're wondering why I ask for payment, here's why. That paragraph above. It's all right there. I find payments are a good way of exchange. Don't talk about payments like they're dirty, we're doing work, they should do work too. Just because something isn't professional doesn't mean you can't get paid for it. It doesn't even have to be equal on any parameters (I don't have it be equal if I can, I make my payment less than my critique for them). 

For example: You walk the old lady's dog next door. She repays you with a couple cookies. That's still a payment, whether you want to look at it that way or not. It's just a kind thing to do that acknowledges that you walked her dog, and cookies. 

Now I want cookies, but that isn't the point. 

You can have whatever opinion you want on this matter, and I know this seems particularly rant-ish, but I promise to post something really educational next chapter because I finally have an idea for something good and educational. I just wanted to get this out. If the person knows that I'm talking about them, I really do respect your stuff and find you really credible. I just didn't agree there. 

Anyways, have a good weekend fellas! Thanks for adventuring into Critic Land! 

Seriously, Critic Land is always an adventure, something new every time. 

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