Top Tips~Psycopaths/Sociopaths

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When creating psychopaths the execution of to create them is well very hard if you were to execute them well, but I am going to talk about the elements to what a psychopaths have to have:

~Intelligent-A psychopath is very intelligent in finding their enemy's weakness and turning their strengths/intimidation into a weakness.

~Self-centred-When creating a psychopath it is not about killing or just violence, what  it is really about is they do not care about how others feel about their actions.

~Charming-No I don't mean that has as a compliment, I mean it as they use their charm to manipulate others around them and what they know.

~Manipulative-They must manipulate others around them in order to take advantage of their situation that they are currently facing.

~Purpose-The 2nd important thing to a pyscho is their purpose and why they are doing this.It must be short so that the audience can understand their view on how the world should work.And why do they do this.

The execution to creating a psychopath is hard, but if you do it in the 'Clockwork Orange' it can be done artistically and beautifully, there is nothing wrong with showing are crazy sides for once.

A sociopath is someone that is a little less violent but more intelligant in finding the hero's weakness.For example the Joker from 'The Dark Knight.'

The emotions to what a pycho\sociopath is that they can be cold blooded killers as long as they feel regret for the killings they have done like Patrick Bateman from 'American Psycho.'

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