Chapter 12: truth or dare

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Nicole's p.o.v.

So we came back home from the hospital with our new baby. It's two weeks before Christmas Eve and I'm wrapping gifts while the baby is sleeping. I try to do a lot of things while she is sleeping because when she is awake you can't do anything without crying but if deans there with her she's fine.

I try to calm her down when she crys but she keeps on crying, if Dean picks her up though it's a whole different story. She stops crying and falls asleep in his arms. I finish wrapping everyone's gifts then I go check on Jamie. She is peacefully asleep. I go in mine and deans room and put on my comfy clothes. I then lay down and close my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep because I don't wake up until two and a half hours later.' That's strange' I think to myself. ' Jamie should have cried by now'. I get up and see the front door open. I run to Jamie's room to see that she's still there but my hopes fall when I get in her room and see her crib empty.

I go to leave when something in her crib catches my eye. I go closer to her crib and see a note there so I pick it up and read it. It's from Renee and it says ' Dear Deano😘 and what's her name,

I took your precious Jamie. If you want her back I guess you have tO break up with Nicole and we can be a perfect couple and be complete by being a family. You have exactly 24 and a 1/2 hours to do it or I just might let a certain somebody who's more crazier than me but I'm not mentioning any names ( Rachel) have her. Dean you know how crazy Rachel is and she will hurt your daughter so I suggest I would text me soon

XOXOXOXOXO 💗💗💗💗- Renee
Great a whiny pyscho blonde brat has my baby and I have to break up with the man I love. How am I gonna do this. Thirty minutes later Im crying really bad and that's when Dean comes in and puts down his stuff. He doesn't hear or see me at first but I'm crying so loud he notices me and rushes over.

" What's wrong, Babe" he asks. I don't speak I just point to Jamie's room. He goes in and looks. I calm myself down and when Dean comes back over I fall back asleep. The next morning I wake up and find Dean gone. I pack all my stuff and leave. I throw away Renee's Note in the garbage. Before I leave, I leave my own note that I wrote to him on his pillow on the bed. I go to Carmella's room and knock on her door. By the time she opens the door I'm crying really bad. She brings me in and hugs me really tight. " what's wrong nic" she asks. I tell her about everything that happened yesterday.

It's now Christmas and I'm at Romans. Seth, Becky, John, Brie, Nikki, and Carmella. A couple minutes later there's a knock on the door. Carmella answers it and she jumps on him. Then I hear " how you doing" and I know it's Enzo. He walks in the living room. " Enzo, I'm glad you made it" I say. He just  hugs me.

. " everyone we have a surprise for all of you. Me and Enzo are having a baby and I would like Nicole to be her aunt, that is if you want to be" Carmella says.
" yes, I would love to" I say. I get up and hug her and Enzo. I sit back down. " I then start to cry. I get picked up and be put on someone's lap. I look to see who's it is and it was Enzo who picked me up.

Nobody knows this but I have a surprise for them in a couple weeks. " guys I have a gift for all of you and it's that I'm gonna watch you wrestle in Cincinnati Ohio and I'll be in the crowd" I say. Everyone's excited" really" someone says. I look up and see that it's Dean, Renee, and my daughter Jamie. Dean was the one who said it.

I quickly tell bye to everyone, grab my coat and gifts , and I leave. I make it to my hummer and get in the front seat and start to cry. Why did she have to do this I think to myself. I calm myself down and drive to Cincinnati.

I get to my house and unpack my stuff. I turn on my phone and unlock it. I do my thumbprint and go to Soundcloud. I hit my wwe theme music playlist and start to put the stuff away. First song that starts is my own " sit still and look pretty".

It's now Monday night raw and I'm here in the arena. It starts finally and the first person that comes out is Sami Zayn. Then Kevin Owens comes out they fight and Sami wins. Then Aj styles comes out and beats him. Before I know it the shield is running down the ramp and saving Sami. Aj leaves and the help Sami up. Seth has a microphone. " so Sami, we have a question for you, would you like to join the shield" Seth asks him. " sure" he says.

That's when I give mark the signal and the lights go out and I quickly go to the top stair. The lights come back on and " SIERRA. HOTEL. INDIA. ECHO. LIMA. DELTA. SHIELD" is heard over the arena. I go down the stairs and I'm wearing

 I go down the stairs and I'm wearing

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and my legit boss converse. I walk down the stairs and jump over the barricade. I grab a microphone and get in the ring. The music stops. " guess who's back and cleared to wrestle" I say and the crowd is cheering loudly. " so Sami is joining the shield. Not everyone agreed did they or did they not" I say. " Nicole, do you think Sami should join the shield" Seth asks. " no, I think he would do better without being in a group but I'm ok if he is " I say. " well Sami, do you want to be the fifth hounds of justice" Roman says. " yes" he says.

everyone else leaves but before I leave I have to say something. " now that I'm back and can fight anyone want to come out here and fight me. Divas or superstars. Here you know what I'll call someone out, AJ STYLES come out and fight me for the title" I say.

A couple of minutes later he comes out. We get a ref out in the ring and the match starts. Let's just say that this was the easiest match I ever had. " Your new wwe world heavyweight champion, NICOLE BELLA-REIGNS" Lilliana Garcia says.

I walk out and go to Stephanie's office. I go in and I have a new storyline. It's a love triangle with me, Sami, and Dean. The storyline says that I love Dean, Dean loves me, and Sami loves me.

I leave the office and go to our locker room. I enter the shields locker room and see Seth. I jump on him and kiss his cheek. " hi best friend" I say to Seth. I get off him and walk in further. When I do I see Jamie on the floor. I run over and pick her up. I haven't held her in a couple of weeks. I hear the door open. I quickly set her down and run into my room. Thirty minutes later everyone is here. Brie knocks on my door and opens the door. She drags me to the living room. When I get out there I see Dean, Renee, Jamie, Roman, Brie, Nikki, John, Carmella, Enzo, and Sami. I'm told that we are going to play truth or dare. Dean puts Jamie in her playpen.

We start and Carmella spins first. It lands on me. " truth or dare" she asks. " dare" I say. " well I dare you to kiss who ever is sitting across from you" she says. It's Dean. I quickly get over there and kiss him on the cheek. I go back over to my seat. I spin it and it lands on Renee. " truth or dare" I ask. " truth" she says. " tell Dean the truth about what happened a couple of days ago " I tell her. " I want a dare instead" she says. " ok your dare is to do the truth" I say. She tells him and you can tell that he is angry. We finish the game and he makes Renee leave forever, " before everyone leaves I would like you to stay to hear what I have to ask , Nicole Bella-Reigns, would you do the honors and add Ambrose to your name. Will you marry me" he asks. " yes" I say. He puts the ring on me and I kiss him. I then go over and get my beautiful daughter. I pick her up and hold her. I kiss her cheek. I put her down and put her to bed. I then go in my and deans room. I change into sweatpants and one of deans shirts. A couple minutes later Dean comes in and we fall asleep.

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