chapter 21: Superbowl 51

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Nicoles p.o.v

It's superbowl Sunday. Me, Jamie, and TJ are going to Roman and Brie place to watch the game. We stop at the store and pick up some chips, salsa, beer, oreos, cupcakes, soda, red and yellow face paint, some bottles, formula, and baby food.

We check out and put the bags in the trunk. I put jamie in the baby car seat and get into the passenger seat. TJ sits in the driver's seat and puts in the key. He starts that car and drives to Roman and Bries place.

TJ parks the car and we get out. I grab jamie and TJ grabs the bags. We knock on the front door. Roman answers it with Brie next to him. We walk I'm and tj puts the bags in the kitchen. He comes back out and they hug us. Brie grabs Jamie from me and holds her.

Me and TJ go in the kitchen and unpack the bags. We keep the food on the counter with the other food that people brought and they made. We grab the baby stuff and the paint and bring it into the den room.

I paint red and yellow lines on our checks for eye black and someone knocks on the door. Roman answers it and its Dean and Summer, yuck. They are both wearing Patriot jerseys.'' Dean, i didnt know you were patriots fans. Did her dumbness effect you to it wouldnt suprise me if it did" i say in a fake whiny voice. '' dont talk that way to my wife'' Dean says. '' your wife, when did that happen'' seth asks. '' i meant future wife. we are getting married on november  3, speaking of which Roman and Seth, will you be my best men" dean asks them. '' im sorry dean but we cant cole already asked us and they are on the same day" Roman says.

The game is about to start so we make a bet. Everyone else bets $55 but me and tj bet $100 that the falcons will win 32-3 with them winning by a field goal kick. The games starts and start to watch it. " so, everyone berfore halftime starts me and Nic want to tell you something. We are going to have a baby soon" tj says with a little smugness in his voice and looks at dean when he says it.

Half time starts and it is awesome. It was one of my top three favorite. My two others are katy perrys and last year with coldplay and bruno mars. They ruined it with Beyonce. They should just give her own halftime.

Close to the end of the forth quarter the score is 28-3 and the falcons are going for the fieldkick with thirty seconds left in the game. They get the field goal and the falcons win the SuperBowl. We all (except dean and summer) celebrate. we tell everyone goodnight and we go upstairs to one of the guest rooms and fall asleep. 

 summers p.o.v.

i go in one of the guest bedrooms and take my journal out of my purse and start writing in it. 'i cant wait till me and renee get revenge on nicole. the plan is in a couple of weeks im going to break up with dean and call off the engagement then renee is going to comfort him. After that im going to start flirting with tj and try to break them up. Finally me and renee will get our revenge on nicole for stealing our friends and ex-boyfriends, but i will let dean see the baby. Im not that mean'. I put my journal back in my purse and grab my pajamas. I take them in the bathroom and take a shower.

Nicole's P.O.V.

   "Nicki can you please go to my room and grab my Cellphone" Dean asks. I tell him yes and he says it should be in his or summers luggage. I go up to the room and look through his bag first. I don't find it and start looking through summers. I find her journal open and see what she wrote. I take pictures and find her and deans phone. I grab them both and bring them downstairs.

I give dean his phone, and tell him to go in the kitchen. When we get in there everyone except summer is in there. I show him the pictures and he starts to cry. I then hug him because I feel bad. He goes upstairs and I follow him. He goes into his bedroom and summers on the bed laying down.

" seriously summer how could you do this to me. Was it all a ruse. You didn't even love me you were just playing with me" he says to her. "What are you talking about babe" she asks.

That's when I step in. " just stop summer we know your just playing dean. Is your and renees plan. Well guess what it's not going to work because dean calls of the engagement. And we know that the baby isn't deans. It's Baron corbins. Just seriously. Come on Dean let's go" I tell him and start to leave. That's when I here summer say that he's not going anywhere. She then start to fight with me and pushes me. I scream for everyone to get upstairs. I get up and see Dean on the ground starting to go unconscious. Summer pulls out a gun and I run at her. I knock her down with a spear. Nikki and brie help me up. Tj is calling 911. I see Dean and I run over to him. I cry and say I'm sorry over and over.

The ambulance comes and takes dean to the hospital. We get in and are lead to his room. " mr. Goods family" the doctor calls. Me and roman stand up. We are led to his room. " I'm sorry to say this but Mr good is in a coma and we don't know if he'll make it" the doctor says. I fall to the ground screaming and crying. Roman picks me up and hugs me tightly. We are led into Deans room and he's in the bed looking so lifeless. I go over and talk to him.

" I am so sorry dean. I cant lose you. You are my better half, my soulmate, dean I still love you. You can't leave us and our new baby. It's not tjs. I went to the doctors and it's yours. Dean please wake up" I say and give him a kiss. I get up and head to the waiting room. That's when I notice roman and tj standing there.

" I'm sorry tj. I wanted to tell you later. Look I love you but I'll always love dean. I'm sorry but the wedding is off" I say and give him the ring back. I start to walk out when I hear the machine flatline and a whole bunch of nurses and doctors run into the room. I then realize that his heart stopped beating and they are trying to revive him. I start to cry. Twenty minutes later the doctor comes back out and starts to talk. " I'm sorry to say this but Mr good ....

And cliffhanger. Wait for the next chapter and it will explain what is going to happen next.

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