A week has passed, and this place has been hell. Ive done nothing but count sheep, draw on the awful walls and attempt to be friends with Harry. I pull out my journal, flicking back to last week, re-reading extract from Friday, the day after Harry called me hot.
August 14th 2012..Day 4.
I know I haven't wrote to you for a while, ive been busy, not physically but mentally. Yes it sounds stupid but believe me im mentally drained. I haven't slept all night, yet I needed to get this off my chest. Yesterday the day was Thursday, the date being the 13th and the year 2012..Mr Harry Styles called me hot, yes I repeat hot. For some un known reason he thought I was some girl Zayn had picked up randomly which makes me think both of them are man whores. They have to be, why would Harry call me hot, he has no reason too? I know im not good looking, and defiantly far from hot. He even proved I wasn't hot, when the words 'Let me take that back' I mean, does he think I don't have feelings or something? Does he see me as fresh meat in this shit hole, he's going to sink his teeth in me and wrap me around his little finger..and me being me is slowly falling for it? And why? Because he's charming, adorable, strange, difficult everything about him tells me to run as fast I can, he screams danger. Yet everything about him draws me to him, his dimples, his curls, his green eyes, his husky voice, his soft lips, the way he calls my name. Everything about that stupid dick draws me too him. Zayn..I should be going for him, he seems much nicer than Harry, my mother wold defiantly approve of Zayn, no doubt about that. What I feel for Zayn is very different, friendship. That's all me and Zayn will ever have.
I took up four pages, blabbing on about him, four pages for not even a five minute conversation with Harry, I don't even think I can call it a conversation yet it meant more to me than it should. I shut my journal hiding it back under my pillow.
I still haven't processed being in here a full week. I haven't made any more friends, and I don't intend on doing so. The sooner this 'treatment' is over the better, im not here to make friends, im here to get 'better'.
I pick up my toiletry bag, pulling on my slippers and head out the room. Funnily enough thinking of Harry, ever since the little 'hot' incidence we haven't spoke, I haven't even seen him around. Im slightly glad yet slightly gutted, I like seeing him around here even if we don't talk, or if he doesn't like me but I still wouldn't want him to go anywhere.
"Car-ly" I turn around to see a panting Zayn, the sweat drips off his chiselled cheekbones.
"Hi" I smile, he half smiles back catching his breath.
"I was wondering, tonight there is a little party for the Butterfly Ward.." I slowly nod, I haven't heard anything about a party. "Maggie, she's leaving and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Its sweet of him to ask me, he's the only whos asked.
"That sounds good" I smile. "What time tonight?"
He cant help but smile. "I'll be outside you're room for 7.30?" I slowly nod again, we say our goodbyes and part our separate ways. I finally find a half decent mirror, that hasn't got shit written all across it or cracks.
I begin to clip my hair back and proceed to wash my face. I bring the towel to my face, wiping the access soap that ive missed to only be startled by fucking Alice. You know those horror movies with the little scary girl, yes Alice reminds me of one of those.
"Carly is it?" She questions, I slowly nod. "So you're the girl Harry writes about?" What?
"Excuse me?" I almost choke on my words, attempting to hold my idiotic smile back.
She quickly places her bag on the side, looking back at me. "Harry, he writes about you in his little brown book, I swear its Carly he mentioned." She smiles, Is this a joke?