The First Dare

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I pushed throuh the polished doors of my prestigious school with a grin plastered on my face.

I spotted Matthew leaning up against my locker barking orders at his minions

Matthew and I have been best friends since I first moved here in sophomore year. He was the first student I ever talked to and let's just say we immediately hit it off.

I started walking toward him as soon as he was finished talking to his minions

"Well, well, well if it isn't my favourite little dare devil. What's got you in such a jolly mood this morning."

"It's senior year and you know what that means." My smile was just growing by the second

We both spoke simultaneously
"New year, New teachers, New dares"
We chuckled litghtly

"Do you have our welcome back suprise set up" Matthew asked obviously eager to see it

"Ready to go on my command"

"Excellent" he spoke in a voice that much reminded me of Mr.burns from the simpsons

I closed my locker and we started heading to class. "It's hard to believe we are already in senior year"

"Tell me about it. It feels like only yesterday when you walked though that door in sophomore year and blew me away.

*flashback 3 years ago*

Matthew's P.O.V

"Uhhh I hate math". I screamed internally. "What's the point of even being in maths class anyway. As soon as I graduate I'm gonna take over my dad's company. These stupid teachers are just a pain in my ass".

The rant in my head was cut short when I noticed a raven haired girl stroll into the classroom and walk right up to the teacher. After talking for a minute or so the teacher pointed in my direction for her to take the only empty seat in the room. The one right beside mine.

As soon as she sat down she slouched in her chair and started to fill out the maths worksheet the teacher had given her "The names Matthew, it's a pleasure to meet you." I spoke with an out stretched hand for her to take.

She looked at my hand and then eyed me up and down. "Alex and I know".She went back to working on her math sheet

I slowly retracted my hand. Another person might of felt offended by her attitude but I just felt intrigued

Looking back at my math sheet I found no desire to complete it so I decided to start a conversation with the new girl

"Sooooo Alex" she stopped writing for a second then continued completing the questions "what made you want to come to our boring little school"

"Wasnt my decision" she answered without taking her eyes off her sheet

"Oh then who's was it?"

She placed her pencil on the table
And slowly turned her head toward me "let's just say I had a bit of a disciplinary issue in my old school"

"Really and what kind of disciplinary issue is that" she was starting to really peak my intrest

She cocked her head to the side"I liked to play pranks in my old school"

"So you played pranks and you got caught".I tutted "Rookie mistake." I snorted which made her clench her jaw

"Wrong, I wanted to get caught." A small smirk started to appear on her face. "Getting caught is half the fun."

"Obvisuly you don't know what the other half is"

She looked at me with confusion "what's that supposed to mean"

"Never mind that now. You talk a big game but I wanna see you in action"

"Oh really. Don't believe me?"

"Lets just say I don't believe anything till I see it"

She narrowed her eyes."Why should I" she was challenging me to make her an offer and my respect for this girl was building by the second

"How about I give you $50 if you complete whatever dare I give you"

She stared at me with a blank face.
To anybody else they would just think she's bored but I knew she was weighing up her options.

"Say I do complete this dare how do I know you even have that kind of money let alone spend on something so stupid."

"Well let's just say my daddy's loaded, school is boring and I'm looking fo something to waste my money on"

After a few seconds she
Agreed. "Fine what's the dare".

After taking a minute to decide I answered. "Lets start you off easy, yell any curse word of your choice out in this classroom"

She spent 5 mins deliberating, which made me believe that she was going to back out, But her answer truely shocked me. "Make it a $100 and I'll yell 3 curse words and walk right out of this classroom without getting into trouble"

The grin on my face grew into a smile and my eyes lit up with excitement."Done"

I took our a $100 Bill to show her as proof and she started to get ready

She cleared her throat and took a deep breath in and out. I was growing anxious waiting to see if she would go through with it

Then she yelled for everyone in the classroom to hear "SHIT, FUCK, CUNT" everyone's heads in the classroom immediately snapped in our direction. Alex's Palm now covered her mouth and the emotion on her face looked shocked and terrified.

Mr.Crow our teacher looked furious and yelled "Ms.Carter to the top of the classroom, NOW."

everyone in the room was still and no one dared to move and inch. Alex stood up from her chair. She was trembling like she had seen a ghost and was on the brink of tears. She slowly made her way to the top of the classroom.

"How dare you speak with fowl language in my classroom." He spoke with such rage behind his voice.

Then suddenly Alex burst into tears"I'm .... So ...sorry."She spoke with gasps for air between each word. " I suffer..wiwiwith mild Tourettes syndrome"

Mr.Crow suddenly went pale. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from bursting out in laughter.

"Sssometimes when I'm really nervous it comes out and I just can't hhhelp it" her stuttering was to perfection and if I didn't know about the dare I would of believed her too

"Oh I'm so sorry, I had no idea" he spoke with such regret but I knew he just didn't want to get in trouble with the principal for yelling at someone with a condition.

She took some deep breaths and closed her eyes for a brief moment."It's fine." She sniffled and continued." You didnt know"

"Listen how about you step outside the classroom and I'll be out in a minute okay"

She nodded her head slowly and spoke in a barely audible whisper."okay."

She turned and started walking towards the door but just before she reached it she turned in my direction with a smirk and winked at me.

My jaw was hanging open and I blinked a few times amazed that, that just happened. I smiled and whispered to myself "this year's gonna be a lot funner than I thought"

*flashback over*

Hi there, thank you for choosing to read the Dare. I've got good plans for this book and can't wait to get it onto wattpad. Also It's my first book ever to wright so don't judge. If you like this book it would make me unbelievably happy if you commont   and give it a like.

I love hearing feedback or thoughts on my book, so all comments are gladly accepted


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