Paralyzing thoughts

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Ms.Braxton P.O.V

"And then you square that number..."

"Blah, blah blah, blah blah" Im interrupted once again by the annoying electronic voice over the intercom. i roll my eyes feeling sick of these little games.

"Listen up my students cause Im gonna make this short and sweet.
Codes lie everywhere in this school, bar where you seat.
Forgot about classrooms, they'res nothing hiding there.
Remember to scavenge all the rest, but only if you dare.
This school is your map,
and hidden is a chest.
But be careful my students,
this hunt is not like the rest For the prize to be won is something every student in this school would desire,

But taking part is a risk, and we all know what happens when you play with fire "

With that, The intercom shut off and every student ran out the door before I could even say a word

I sigh knowing i need to try stop those kids before world war III breaks out in this building. I move to start walking toward the door.

"It's useless you know."

Ms.Braxton turns around "Trying to stop them. They turn into literal Blood hounds when it comes to DD" Alex continued

Ms. looks towards the door slightly ajar and sees someone tackle another person to the ground before running over them without a second thought. "I should probably go help"

"There's not much you can do and besides, your safer in here than out there"

Ms. looks Alex directly in the eyes "alone with you? I highly doubt that" Alex smirks slightly

She decides to take Alexs advice and just stay out of it and moves around to the front of her desk to fix it from the stampede of kids.

I hear Alex get out of her seat "So can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." I continued fixing a stack of of papers on my desk

"Do I make you feel uncomfortable?"

I stopped turning around to look at her furrows her eyebrows "What?"

"Do I. make you. Feel. Uncomfortable." Taking a step closer with every word, staring into my eyes daringly

"Alex I..."

Alex cuts me off by taking a step closer never loosing eye contact. "Do I?"

"Youre my student." I answer quickly almost stumbling on my words concentrating on the now minimal distance between us.

Alex takes a step further so she's standing directly in front of of me and I can't help but take a slight gulp. "What are you doing?" I have a perfect view of her electric blue eyes that scream mischief is on her mind. It scares and excites me all at once.

Alex stays quiet and attempts to take another step. "Alex stop" She freezes, staying silent for a couple of seconds letting her eyes drift across my face. "Why?"

Not sure what to say I speak the first thing that comes to mind. "I'm uncomfortable" I felt paralyzed in my spot hoping it will make her back away

But instead Alex just grins staring into her math teacher's emerald eyes. "No you're not"

Her words cause Ms. B to feel confused as Alex takes another step. Ms. tries to take a step back but her butt hitting the table causes her eyes to widen slightly and take a gulp. Alex looks her up and down smirking.

She tries again "Alex someone's going to walk in and assume..."

Shes cut off by Alexs laughter. "Everyone in the school either too busy looking for DDs treasure or trying to stop it." She looks around the classroom. "You and me" meeting her eyes once more "are completely alone" Alex licks her lips leaning forward slightly

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