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Ms.Braxtons P.O.V


She stared back at me with a wide grin plastered on her face and her chin resting on the palm of her hand

I took a seat back at my desk and began looking for something to do. After 5 minutes of rooting around my desk-finding nothing and Alex just staring at me, I snapped.

"Don't you have work to do?"

"Nope" she said the p with a pop. "First day remember" and smiled politely

"Right". Starting to doubt why the BLOODY hell I gave a detention on the first day. "Well what do you usually do in detention?" It was only my first day so i had no idea what to do

"Not sure." her eyes lit up and a smirk curled at the edges of her lips. "Your my first"

I rolled my eyes at her comment while she bit her lip clearly showing her front teeth

I just decided to ignore her comment "I find that very hard to believe"

She raised her eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked while placing her hand over her heart mockingly. "I'm a perfect student". She spoke with sarcasm behind each word.

"Well first of all, you talk back when you shouldn't, you disrupt the entire class with your oh so "hilarious" conversations and lastly you try to make the teacher look like complete and utter fools of themselves. And that was all just in one class"

She leaned forward in her chair and spoke in a low seductive voice. "Well maybe I only do that to the teachers I like". She kept a straight face throughout her sentence but as soon as she finished her last word, her lips twitched upward

I took a large gulp after now feeling very uncomfortable. After seeing my reaction she broke into a fit of laughter, which calmed my nerves a bit.

"I don't find your jokes very funny Miss Carter." I spat and looked down at my desk again and started to re-arrange the pile of sheets in the corner

She stopped laughing and held a serious face. "Who says I'm joking." her voice sounded dead serious. I froze.

For the second time today Alex broke into a fit of laughter. She started waving her hands in front of her. "You should have seen the look on your face" she said pointing in my direction.

After a minute or so of her laughing she started to calm down and take a few deep breaths, I the other hand had a very unpleased look on my face and started to bite my lip at my gullibility "Wow, your easy" she started to smirk.

"Look, All I'm trying to do is make the time go faster for the both of us"

"Well, All you've accomplished was making me feel very uncomfortable" i spoke keeping my eyes glued to the desk

"Well I'm sorry" but out of the corner of my eye I could see that she still couldn't help the smile that crept on her face

"Look how about this." I looked up and for the first time today her face held what looked like a genuine smile. "Why don't we play a game?"

I raised my eyebrow. "How about a game of questions, where I ask you a question then you ask me one and we just stay going back and forth "she asked but I was hesitant.

"Is that not a bit inappropriate for a student and their teacher?"

"What? Pfft" she said while waving her hand in the air in a slap down motion, "I play this game with all my teachers"

I cocked my head to the side "really?" I said in a tone that didn't sound very convinced


"All of them?" I asked exadreating every word

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