Opinion or Onion?

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These past couple of days Matthew has been gone doing work with his father. So because he wasn't here to give me a ride, I had to walk to school.

Thankfully it's Thursday and Matthew is back today. Which means I wont have to wake up an hour early for school.

I was sitting on the curb picking at my fingernails when I heard loud music obnoxiously blaring from stereo speakers. I didn't have to look up to guess who it belonged to.

As the sports car approached me and stopped just in front of my feet the driver turned down the music completely and waited for me to enter.

I got in the car with a wide smile that reached my eyes and spoke. "Well hello Matthew, A beautiful morning isn't it."

He looked at with like I was a hydra with two heads. "What did you have for breakfast, a rainbow?"

I just continued to smile and look forward as he started the engine and we made our way down the bleak street "No I'm just happy. Can't a girl be happy going to school every once in a while."

He started to chuckle. "Well a regular girl can, but we both both know you aint normal. Seriously, what's up with you today?"

I sigh, "If you must know, today is Ms. Braxton's quiz"

Matthew whips his head in my direction with a sickened face before quickly turning back to face the traffic. "Okay who are you and what have you done with my best friend who hates all schoolwork"

I smirk deviously "oh she's here, but let's just say math class will be interesting"

He raised his eyebrows. "And why is that?"

"Lets just say, you've missed a some things these past few days you've been out"

Matthew now joins me and starts to grin. "Oh really, and what might that be?"

"I asked Ms. Braxton to tutor me."

He seemed surprised "And?"

"She said No"

Slowing the car to a stop sign "Now what?"

I turn to face him and he looks at me. "I've got a plan"


I walked into Ms. Braxton's class smirking excited for the class to be over. Matthew and I took our seats just before the final bell rang.

"Okay class today is your test, clear all books off your table and get ready to begin" There was some shuffling of books between students before Ms. Braxton spoke again.

"I am handing out the test now. Remember that we all have different capabilities and as long as you try your best I will be happy with whatever grade you get."

When I received my test I wrote my name on it in large cursive writing and started to read the questions. I took out a blank page for "rough work" and wrote all of the correct answers on it.

I finished the test with about 20 minutes left in class. I looked around and saw no one else was finished, then my eyes found Ms. Braxton's. I smirked and winked at her before dropping my eyes back down to the page.

I then begun to write down on the test and I couldn't help but giggle at some of my answers.

When the bell rang out signaling the end of class Ms. Braxton spoke to the class again, "On your way out please leave your tests on my desk"

I started to pack up my things and Matthew looked at the cover page of my test. What he saw was one of the many notes I left throughout the test

Dear Math,
I'm not a therapist.
Solve your own problems

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