The Secret Safe

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Alex's P.O.V

"Time for phase two"

Teachers were rounding up children and bringing them back to class

I looked at Dexter who gave me a firm nod. I pressed the blue button on the remote and the intercom came alive once again

"IT SEEMS AS THAT NONE OF YOU PIRATES HAVE BEEN ABLE TO FIND MY BURIED TREASURE" everyone in the corridor froze and focused on the speaker. Students looked hopefull while teachers just looked annoyed


With that the intercom cut out and every single stundent in the hallway started sprinting toward Mr.Rivers office.

We watched on as students looked like they were running a marathon or fleeing from a zombie apocalypse

"This is way better than any show on TV ever could be" Adam spoke with a huge grin on his face

When the first person finally reached the door knowing it would be locked he charged at it and took a leap of faith. The door burst open and the five of us erupted in laughter.

Dexter pulled out his laptop and opened up surveilence footage of Mr.Rivers office

The boy quickly found the trash can and a few secods later we seen him throw it across the room and start to loot through the desk drawers

Inside the trash can was a note that said "somewhere hidden in this office is the loot you desire"

A minute later an army of students arrived at the office and soon enough the principals office was being trashed apart by students

Suddenly the principal came into view and started barking orders. "Everyone stop right now. I have CCTV in this office and everyone caught will have detention for the rest of the year."No one stopped though and with about 50 or so students cramed into a small room there was no way he could stop them.

Finally after what felt like a half an hour of searching one student finally took a picture frame off the wall. He screamed "yes" at the top of his lungs when he saw a white envelope with with two capital Ds taped to the back of it, sigiling everyone to stop.

he opened the envelope and found a letter. A confused look appeared on everyones face including the principal as he read the letter aloud.

"congradulations, you are the lucky winner of my treasure hunt. Right now you are currenty being watched by the survalance camera in the corner of the room."

Everyones eyes darted towards the security camera and Mr.Rivers was rendered speechless.

"Right now your prize money is currently being held in a safe under the carpet in the corner of the room under the camera. Two keys are needed to open this safe. One is in this envelope and the other is in Mr.Rivers pocket"

He pauses and turns toward the principal who slowly put his hand in his pocket and his face had a look of disbelief.
Suddenly his eyes lit up and as he pulled a polished key out of his pocket and he looked like he had just found 1 of the 5 golden tickets in a wonka bar

His neck abruptly snapped towards a random student int the room and pointed toward her "you".

"Mmme" she stuttered and took a large gulp. She looked petrified.

The principal snapped his fingers and pointed to the corner. "Check if there is a safe in the corner" his eyes were widened and I'm pretty sure he hadn't blinked for 2 minutes

When she didn't move he screamed "NOW"

The girl was terried but never the less started to slowly and cautiously make her way toward the corner

when she reached the corner she gently pulled back the carpet and gasped. Everyone started to crowd around the corner as the principal grew anxious.

"move, out of my way" Mr.Rivers pushed and shoved his way through until he stood infront of the corner frozen still

in the ground where the floorboards should be, stood a medium size safe with the capital letters DD sprayed on it " HOW THE FUCK DID THAT GET INTO MY OFFICE" Mr.Rivers hollered

While the principal stood starstruck students started to giggle and the winner continued once again

"Anyone who tries to steal or Rob the money from the winner shall face the wrath of me for the rest of the year. Thank you to all of the participants and better luck next time. Enjoy your winnings -DD"

The winner handed the letter to the principal who looked puzzled. "The letter says that you're to read the last part" the boy answered.

the principal slowly outstretched his hand to take the letter and after blinking at the page few times began to read in his head

For the principal only

"The security footage for today will be deleted and you will have access to the intercom in 10 minutes. The students will now all be sent on an early lunch and will return for their last class of the day. Enjoy cleaning up your office -DD"

Just as he finished reading the lunch bell was sounded and DDs voice was filled through the air one last time. "All students will now proceed to the cafeteria where they will have an early lunch, then they will be back for their last class of the day. Thank you for your participation and until next time -DD."

The 5 culprits watched the screen as all the students fleed from Mr.Rivers office until he was left standing alone in his trashed office wondering "What the hell just happened".

Dexter then began taking down the firewall to the intercom while the others made their way towards the cafeteria

"Oh my god, did you see the look on his face. He looked like a lost puppy" Adam boasted. "That was SO worth waiting 3 months for"

"Just this morning he kept talking about how his new office looks and how its bigger and how its newly designed" Sam exclaimed while mocking his tone of voice and all of us broke into laughter once again.

when lunch was over Matthew and i headed towards Mr.Crows room. He was the first teacher i pulled a prank on in this school and is pretty much the reason why Matthew and I are best friends

When we arrived in math class most seats were already occupied. We headed straight for the back where our usual seats were free.

Matthew spoke beside me drawing my attention. "pretty hard to believe it all started 3 years ago right here in this very classroom"

"I know right it only feels like yesterday when i first pranked Mr.Crow"

The bell rang and the teacher was nowhere to be seen. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where is Mr. Crow anyway, he's usually never late for class"

"Did you not hear? We're getting a new math teacher". Just as he finished his sentence a tall brunette strolled into the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late class, I had trouble finding the room." She placed her things on her desk and took a deep breath. "My name is Ms. Braxton and i'll be your new math teacher," She then continued to talk about the course for this year and her expectations. She looked young. I probably would have mistaken her as a student had I seen her in the hallway.

I turned to Matthew to see his reaction and his face held a twisted grin. I knew what was coming next.

He turned to face me and whispered "$200 if you get the math teacher to make out with you"

A smirk appeared on my face while I eyed the math teacher up and down "500 says shell be moaning my name by the end of the year"


Thank you to everyone who is reading and liking this story. It means a lot to know there are people out there actually enjoying it.

There is going to be some of Sams P.O.V next chapter

Again thanks and don't forget to like and comment


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