The Most Bearable Teacher

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Alex's P.O.V

"Onto other business." Matthew leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on the table.

"In two weeks operation protection is a go." A smile appeared on everyone's face remembering what exactly operation protection is.

"Does everyone understand their jobs?" He looked at each of us individually waiting for us to nod. He stopped at Adam whose head hung low with a pout on his face sulking.

Matthew exhaled through his nostrils obviously annoyed by Adams childish antics. "Adam?" He asked in a stern controlling voice.

He sighed deeply. "I just don't understand why I have to buy them"

In the corner of my eye I saw Sam roll her eyes and mumble under her breath "drama queen". I had to stifle a smile.

Matthew raised his eyebrows and straightened his back into an intimidating posture. "What don't you understand, everyone here has a job and that's yours." He spoke in an authorotive tone

After a minute of Matthew giving Adam a deathly glare, Adams eyes dropped down to the table his shoulders slumped and he slightly nodded.

Matthew sat back in his chair with a stoic face once again and continued.

"As I was saying, before we..." he was quickly interrupted by a rambling Adam

"I still don't see why you can't just get your minions to go buy them" Adam huffed

Matthews's body completely froze and only his head started to slowly turn in Adams direction. Matthew clenched his jaw tightly and stared in Adams direction, however Matthews's facial expression quickly turned into a wide smile

"Oh I can, I just don't want to" his smile was growing by the second and Adam started to lay his head on the table over his arms, sulking again.

I heard Sam sigh loudly. "Oh get over it Adam, once it's done its you'll never have to do it again" Sam spoke evidently irritated by Adams behavior as well

Adams head shot up with an unpleased look on his face. "That's easy for you to say. The cashier is gonna think that I'm some kind of sex freak when I buy 400 boxes of condoms!"

I couldn't stop my smile from appearing any longer and the four of us erupted in laughter, while Adam just crossed his arms and slouched in his chair like a three year old

"Stupid fucking Prank." Adam cussed under his breath

Matthews P.O.V

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I made my way towards geography class. Geography was a subject I particularly didn't care for. It was incredibly boring as it was the only class I didn't share with any of the group

The teacher was also an arrogant moron and id probably rather take out my eyeballs with toothpick then listen to him nag on about whatever rock he finds most exciting this week.

I spent the entire class on my phone trying to zone out the teachers irritating voice.

Right now Alex is probably talking to Adam about our next Prank

She likes to make sure everything is perfect before the mission takes place and run over every last detail

Its one thing I love about Alex, she is cunning and skillful. She likes everything to a precise detail and to insure her strategy is flawless
(which it always is)

When she goes in she is delicate, silent and impeccably fast. She is so experienced at breaking into the school she's become pretty much an expert.

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