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Alex's P.O.V

With my free hand I carefully moved a loose strand of hair from my sisters face and gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb admiring the girl. She began to stir and her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Morning Alex". She said with a raspy voice and a wide smile.

I smiled right back at her. "Morning Sunshine." I stared into her forest green orbs and I started to frown "Another nightmare?"

Her face dropped from happy to gloom in a matter of seconds. She avoided eye contact and slowly nodded her head.

"Come here." I pulled her little body into a tight hug and my heart broke when I felt her cling to me like her life depended on it

I stayed in bed with my sister for a half an hour before getting ready for school and heading downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase I saw my father passed out in the living room on the sofa. He was clinging to a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and a photograph of my mother in the other.

When I saw the picture I clenched my jaw feeling a sharp pain in my chest thinking about my mother and how happy she looked.

I closed my eyes briefly, shook my head and continued to the kitchen where I made some breakfast for Callie.

When she was finished I walked her over to the house Across the street owned by Mrs. Rose.

"See ya, Sunshine," I said to the little girl standing on the porch. I gave her another reassuring hug and stood back up.

"Bye Alex" She waved before running into the house to play with the other children

I laughed a little before greeting the elder woman at the door. "Morning Mrs. Rose"

"Good morning Alex, how are you today?" She asked with a tight smile

My smile that I was showing now dropped a little and I could tell that Ms. Rose was well aware as to why.

"Again?" she asked with a raised eyebrow

I slowly nodded my head while she grabbed my hand and gently pulled me towards the swing on her porch.

She sat down dragging me with her. "What happened this time?" she asked calm and softly

Mrs Rose is one of the few people that know something about my backstory. She is one of two people that I confide in and know what really happens behide closed doors. The only other person I can truly talk to about this stuff is Sam

We sat there talking for what felt like a few minutes but what was really half an hour. I only noticed that this much them had passed when I heard a load car horn go off in the middle of the street.

I looked up and saw Matthew was waiting in his white Porsche with black sunglasses covering is green eyes, looking like the stuck up rich kid he truly is.

"Got to go, See you later Mrs. Rose" I stood up grabbing my back pack and walking down the steps

"Goodbye Alex"

When I was right beside the beautiful car I heard Matthew start to speak

"Come on Ms. Carter, you don't want to be late for school now do you?" Matthew said while looking at the Rolex on his wrist and speaking in a high mocking voice he uses when, he does an impression of that one teacher who was always on my case last year about getting to class on time.

I laughed at his very accurate impression. "That I don't Ms. Anderson" I hopped into the beautiful sports car and fist bumped Matthews awaiting hand.

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