First impressions

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Ms.Braxtons P.O.V

I was late for my math class on my first day, just great

I was half way through the class when I was rudely interrupted by two snickering students at the back of the classroom, AGAIN!

"Excuse me, am I interrupting your conversation during MY class." I asked sternly. Some students looked up shocked and others looked excited

For the first time the girl looked up and I got a good look at her electric blue eyes

"No your good." A smirk started to appear on her face "this class is a bit boring though"

I was taken aback by her answer. Was she trying to get a rise out of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry" my sarcasm was evident but for some reason it just made her smile grow even more

"Why dont you answer the question then. " I knew she hadn't been paying attention all class. Maybe this will teach her not to disrespect me in front of my class

She slouched in her chair and answered without removeing eye contact."7". Seeming pleased with her answer

A smile appeared on my face. "Wrong, maybe if you had of been paying attention..." She suddenly interrupted me

"Ooohhhh, I thought you meant when you get the answer from that sum" pointing at the board "multiply it by 10 and square root it to get the answer to the next question"

The smile was immediately wiped off my face as I looked from the whiteboard to the book, to realise that she was in fact correct even though I hadnt even covered it yet

A wide grin returned on her face when she saw my reaction."See, boring"

Everyone in class started snickering and I saw the girl fist bump with the boy she had been talking to at the start of class

I clenched my jaw feeling sickened that this girl had just humiliated me in front the entire class

"You think your very smart don't you miss Carter" she turned back to face me

"well I like to think so" she answered with a wink. I also received a loud snicker from the jackass she was talking in the first place

"well lets see how smart you are during detention. Today, after school." some of the classmates started whispering "Burn" and I felt pleased with myself

Alex whispered something under her breathe to the boy. I thought it sounded like sarcasm so i called her out on it "what was that miss Carter"

she looked up with a charming smile "I was just saying to Matthew how it would be my pleasure to spend an hour alone with you outside of school" the class erupted in laughter once again

I looked into her eyes and it looked like she was telling the honest truth which made me take a large gulp.

My heart started beating out of my chest. Was she hitting on me? No of course not."Everyone open their textbooks and start on question 8" i quickly averted my eyes and took a seat at my desk

I took a few deep breathes and tried to calm my racing heart. Never have I ever been put on the back foot by a student before. Sure I only have one year of teaching under my belt, but still. Do they just have no respect in this school

Come on,just get through this class,

The bell finally rang after the longest 10 minutes of my life. I quickly stacked all my papers on my desk and waited for all the students to leave. I was eager to get home and be done with my first day teaching. Its been a long day especially with that weird "DD" thing.

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