typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
" No actually. I have some people I want you to meet" my dad says softly.
" Look. I'll be so glad to meet anyone" I walk towards the door. As my dad opens it for me. " But in the morning. It's late and im exhausted. I had a long flight." I sighed annoyed. I don't know what time it even is but I don't give a damn. Im exhaust-
" Hi honey!" A women says loudy to my dad. She's on her way over to him to kiss him I think. But he backs away from her and takes a quick glance at me.
" Oh how rude of me. Im your fathers wife, Marry. You must be Lewis" she offers to shake my hand. She gives me a huge fake smile with her big white teeth. She's gorgeous. She has shiny long black hair, she looks like shes in her 20s or 30s. Her eyes are a beauitful shade of brown. I dont know why she needs to put on that much make up this late. Her lipstick is as red as a devils soul.
" Yeah im Louis." I correct her with a much stronger voice. She's annoying already. Her voice is loud and squeaky. I dont know if its because my ears are asleep or the mansion has a huge echo, but all I know is that she's quite irritating. She barged in without even noticing me. Not to mention , she's wearing the tinest shorts and a tank top with no bra on.Im lucky I have a filter, I would've told her off.
" Oh." She giggles. Rolling her eyes quickly." ZAYNN! Come meet the new family member." Looking over to who knows what. Who the hell is Zayn. And im certainly not their family. Im just staying here because my mom abanden me.
A teenager who I suspect is Zayn says" What? " taking a long glance at me. He points at me with his arm filled with tattoos. He almost looks like my dad and half his mom. He has her black shiny hair. He has the same color of his moms eyes, but his eyelashes are actually real and long.
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" Thats Lewis?" He squints his eyes, forcefully having his hands in a fist. He looks annoyed as if he didnt want me here at all. His jeans are saggy as hell, his shirt is long enough to cover up his sag. I think its embarrassing to be walking around like that. People stare at your ass you know. I would know that..
" Its Louis. " I annoyingly correct the mini Marry.I offer to shake his hand.
He glares at me. Ignoring my gesture. " I didn't ask you." His tone is serious.
" But you asked if I was Le-"
" Yo, I can care less if you are Lewis or Luis. " He laughs. Walking towards the door.
" Im sorry about that." His mom says giving me a fake smile. Rolling her eyes quickly before I can catch her.
" Zayn , where are you heading this late?" She asks . Almost running to him but she almost slips so she walks. I hold a laugh back and my dad glances at me. My lips go to a staright line.
" Im going out" he echos in the huge mansion shaking his keys to both his parents,rolling his eyes like his annoying mom.
My dad shakes his head and trys to take his keys" No you aren't. Your brother just got her-" my dad gets cut off by an angry Zayn.
" He's not my brother." He laughs when he pulled the keys away. " Defiantly not my brother. Just look at him. " he glances at me and then his parents.
Its silent for a while. " Yeah. That's what I thought. " Making sure he slams the door loudly. I dont know why this is happening , I didn't do anything to that guy. But from the looks of it we aren't going to get along. I cant believe my dad just let him say that about me. In front of me. I just want to go bed. I cough loudy enough to make them look at me. I yawn on purpose.
Marrys eyes glance at me. They are no longer brown. They're darker. I think she's going to cry. I sure as hell am going to bed now.
" You should go to sleep. Your rooms upstairs to the left. Goodnight." He looks at the ground. I leave quickly. Already half way up the stairs.
" Louis." Suddenly I hear my name being called. I stop at my tracks. And I think.he knows I did. " Im sorry about that." I just nod remembering he cant see me. I hear a heavy sigh when im at the door.
I open the bedroom door. It's a big room. Its bigger than the one I had at home. I want to call my mom to tell her that im safe at my dads house. But I know im lying and that she just wouldn't care. I lie down the comfty queen size bed. Guess im stuck here. I sigh loudly. Shutting my eyes forcefully.