typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
" You didn't have to talk to her like that." Danielle speaks out to an angry Cara driving. Liam looks at me. And then, I think, figures out my face. I almost tell him to fuck off but he begins to open his mouth to speak.
" You're not from here huh?" Liam asks concerned towards me. I lick my lips. And decide to answer him.
" No. No im not. I moved here just two days ago. Im Zayn's step brother." I look at the window to ignore his face expression. I think, by this moment everyone stops yelling stops talking, just to look at me. I look back at all the eyes staring back at me. " What?" I spit out to them. Pressing my eyebrows together.
" No way. You can't be Zayn's brother. You're too hot!" Cara says looking at the mirror to look back at me. I press my lips together at her response. Gigi somewhat has a offended face. And elbows Caras arm.
" What do you mean? Are you saying Zayn isn't?" Gigi confronts Cara. And I get surprised because Cara laughs.
" Girl I used to think he was the shit, untill he started doing all that shit to you. Now he ugly as hell to me." She stops at a red light. Putting down her mirror to fix her eyebrows and winks at me when I get caught looking at her.
" Anyways. I just can't believe you are. That's great! Maybe you can convince him to stop partying and come hang out with my lads." He smiles at me waiting for my response. I want to tell him that me and Zayn aren't going as well as he thinks we are. But Gigi stands up for me instead.
" No. Thats not a good idea. Zayn still mean as hell to him Li. Sorry. " Gigi looks at people walking by. I feel sorry for her. I feel really bad for her. She's a nice beautiful girl, she doesn't deserve to deal with his shit.
" Oh. That sucks. Well you can hang out with us. You don't really talk huh." Liam says not letting me response. " I would if all you guys stop talking before me." I laugh.
Zayns Pov
Fuck. Fuck. I should go back there and apologize to Harry. I don't wanna lose Gigi again. " Fuck!" I stop the car and get out and start pacibg back and forth. I put my arms in the back of my head. I nearly jump when I hear my phone ring. " Gigi?" I smile through the phone.
" Fuck no." Taylor smirks through the phone. I can feel her ass smiling. Smiling like the stupid bitch she is. Why did I ever choose her over Gigi.
" Did you hear me babe. " She yells through the phone. I can hear some shifting and laughters in the back.
" Don't call me that Taylor. Hey listen, I'm done doing all that shit to Gigi. I don't wanna do it anymore. " I scratch the back of my neck and continue to walk back and forth.
Taylor laughs." Do what?" I can see her bite her lip, probably looking back at her gossiping bitches.
" This. What we have. Its over man." I hang up on before she starts cussing at me. Probably gonna end up tell-
" How could you?" A voice travels behind me. The same voice I hear everytime i fuck shit up. The same voice I fell in love with. I decide to pretend I didn't hear her. I get caught of guard when I feel a hand smack across my face.
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" Do me a favor and don't even bother to date her anymore. She had enough of your shit Zayn. " Cara smirks while she gets in the car. I almost run after the car but its useless because once I step. The car leaves. And now here I am alone.
Loui§ Pov " Cara drive faster!" Danielle yells at my ears.
" Well shit. That's what im trying to do! Shut up or you drive." Cara spits at Daneille I don't know why girls are so moody and have attitudes all the time. Guys usually laugh it off or say a joke.
" Hey.. isn't that.." Cara stops at her tracks and hits her head at the back of her seat when Cara slams the brakes.
" What is he doing there?" Gigi asks quietly too us. She gets out the car. Cara gets out with her.I see her try to surprise Zed but she stops and he immediately turns around. Then all I see is a hand across Zeds face.
" Are you okay?" Cara asks Gigi who cleary sees Gigi pouring her heart out. Im tired if being quiet all the time.
"Clearly, She isn't okay. Back up. Give her some space." I yell louder than I think. Im in Gigi's house filled with stupid confused people.
" All you gotta do is.." I say while grabbing a blanket." Grab a blanket. Roll the sad person up." I say to all eyes staring at me weirdly. Gigi stops crying and looks at me while im rolling her. She bits her lip to stop herself from laughing. " Then you gotta place the sad person in the couch." I say carrying to her couch. Fixing her comfortably. " Then feed the sad person" I say while looking at the kitchen and looking at the girls.
" I'll get it!" Cara pushes the rest of the girls. " Move." Liam laughs at her and mocks me. I give him a death glare. And his lips go to a straight line.
" Here. You go." Cara gives me chips and cookies. Then sits down. " Everyone sit down." Cara demands to her friends.
" Isn't she gonna get fat?" Cara says from the back confidently. She smiles once she hears Gigi laughing.
" OH. I forgot. Then everyone has to cuddle the sad person." I say proudly. Hugging the beautiful sad women in front of me. After a minute, I feel everyones weight on me. Someone pinches my butt. Im definitely not gonna stay quiet on that.
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" Hey! " I yell,holding my ass. Eyes wide, looking at all of them concerdly.
" Im sorry. I had too. " Cara says blushing at me. It makes me laugh because I have never met a girl like her. So straight forward. So I grab her head and scartch the top of it. I hear everyone laugh while she tries to resist my beauty. I finally let go of her. And I look at Gigi whos looking at me fondly but completely shrugs it off.
She stands up to hug me. " Thank you. I feel so much better. How about a couple of drinks!" Gigi lets go of me and asks out loud.
" Hell yeah!" Danielle says with her tone filled with timidity. Liam and I laugh once I see Gigi pull out juice boxes.
Liam stares at me for a while. " Do you drink?" He asks me with a serious tone.