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Loui§ Pov

" I said fuck off."

" I'm already here, you might as well get in" Harry drives besides me while im walking.

My arms are folded against my chest. Im stubborn, I can admit that. I just, don't like that guy. He's so annoying, everywhere I go he's there.

" Come on. Its getting dark." I hear his voice filling up with anger , he smiles at me making sure I didn't hear it.

" Fine."

" Okay cool. " Harry shruggs. I can hear the smile in his voice.

I get inside and I smell the scent of perfume. Girl perfume.

" What's your name? I never got it." Harry looks at me and gives me a cheeky smile.

" Its Louis

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" Its Louis. Now stop shut up and drive."

" Oh you like that song?" Harry smiles widely. Trying to joke with me.

I just give him a 'wtf' look.
" No" I nodd my head and roll my eyes. " Why are you so annoying?"

" Why are you so rude? " Harry laughs. " Im just trying to be your friend."

" Well maybe.. I dont want you to be my friend. " I fold my arms against my chest not looking at him.

" Why?" Harry glances at me with sympathy written all over his eyes.

" Your Zayn's frien-"

" You know what fine. Get the fuck out my car. " Harry stops the car and opens the door for me. Thats a weird and polite way to kick somebody out.

" Finally!" I get out laughing directly at his face. I can't believe my self, sometimes im too much. His green eyes change color, just like I thought. Its like a moon ring.

He slams his own car door. And I laugh louder this time. Watch him get inside the car. I catch him mumble something before he drives away.

" I cant believe I tried to be nice with you."

Its funny cause he dropped me at my house. I laugh at myself shaking my head. Who in the fuck , made him? I walk inside this big shitty mansion.

I ring the doorbell once or twice and the mexican maid opens the door for me with a greeting. I hear somebody screaming and crying. It makes me run to my room. Which is empty?

A note is placed on top of my bed. That reads." Lewis meet.me in this place. Blah blah blah. Sorry I couldn't pick you up. " from my dad.

Well thats great. I dont even have a ride. I grab my suit cases which were never even opened. I slowly go downstairs making sure I don't make that screaming crying monster cry more. I leave quietly. I look at a car thats in front of me that reads "Lewis". He planed this shit. Niceeee. Its a freaking lambo!

I would scream,but remember theres a cry monster inside the house. I out my stuff inside and drive off the address my dad sent me.


I ring the door bell. I hope this is the right house. The last one I rang, there was a dog a who nearly attacked me.

" Louis!" My dad embraces a hug for me. " Im sorry, I just left them, I didn't know to do anymore, and I definitely didnt wanna go back." He lets me inside the warm house.

" I understand. But why did you leave them?"

" I have my reasons." He grins at me. " Are you hungry?" My dad gets a plate of fucking hamburgers! Finally it feels like I havent ate for shit.

" Oh my fuck, thanks." I shove the burger in my mouth.

My dad laughs and eats with me. " What has been going on with .. going out I guess?"

" A lot actually. I woke up in somebody's bed today. Naked. Like who in the fuck would know I would wake up like that? Well maybe Liam. But it wasn't technically his fault. He told me to stay in one spot and I didnt listen. But he still left me without trying to find me. Then I met this weird tall curled freak whos always following me everywhere. His name is... Harry yeah Harr-"

"Harry? You mean Zayn's friend?"

" Yeah him. Anyways well Liam ended up finding me. Then he took me to meet two blondies who are cool as fuck. We played video games for a while. And then we started talking about gyms, I can't believe they don't use their own gym. I mean who the hell doesn't?"

I glance at my dad while licking my fingers. He gulps and smiles at me. I figure he wouldn't.

" So i took them for a run and they couldn't handle shit, how are they gonna do it when a tsunami comes? " I laugh while I take another bite of this delicious meal.
" We went to the gym and I saw Harry there again. He follows me everywhere. In the bathroom , in the streets. Fuck"

" In the bathroom? What the hell was he doing there?" I glance at my dad whos eyebrows are pressed together.

" Right? Supposedly to pee.. right next to me" I laugh shaking my head dramatically.

" Then he drove me to your house

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" Then he drove me to your house. Well was your house. And he told me to get the fuck out when I was already there and he opens the door for me. That was so funny I.almost pissed my self. "

" Thats weird. Harry never acts like that. Hes rude and selfish. I never liked him hanging out with Zayn. He was a bad influence for him. And still is. I caught him drinking and smoking at the same time. Above all that, I saw him snogging a girl while he was dating this other one."

I give him a disgusted face.
" Its also weird cause he mumbled that he tried being nice to me." I grin at him.

My dad stares me and stays silent for a while.

" So you're ready for school tomorrow?"

" Motherfucker!" My eyes grow wide.

My dad has a heart attack and he starts laughing because he got scared, he really did. And I didn't mean to scare him but I did.

" I don't wanna go.. Im not even ready.."

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