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Loui§ Pov

" What are they staring at?" I ask Liam with force so he can hear me through the loud music.

" I think, they're staring at you. " Liam smiles looking around. He gently takes me to the drinks. He gives me a 'want a drink' face. And I nodd slowly. It can't be that bad..

" Here you go

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" Here you go. Wait here for a second. Ima go talk Taylor." Liam leaves a touch in my shoulder. I take a sip of the drink it tastes so bad.. I see him disappear in the crowd. Im pissed. He just fucking left me ,with a house full of drunk people! I sit on some stairs and I still see people looking at me. It pisses me off. I say a couple' take a picture it last longer for fuck sakes' or 'Can I fucking help you.' And even a ' what the fuck are you staring at' for a while. I look at the ground and visualize the floor, and how dirty it is. Whoever lives here, probably has parties constantly. Its irritating ,why the hell would you let people step on your floor with dirty shoes, probably full of shit everyday just so you can clean it up. I look around and I see those little decorations for parties hanging from the celling. They look really old. I dont even think this person cleans at all.

 I dont even think this person cleans at all

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I take a long sip of my drink. Still tastes like shit.I look at the people pass by. A bunch of girls have already passed by to either wink at me or dance in front of me expecting me to get up and dance with them. This is some shitty ass party.

" Hey. " a half way drunk brunette smiles at me. I decide to answer but i can't speak. I look at her and figure out what kind of outfit she's wearing. She's legit wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt with boots. Those that are only for the winter. Is she cold or hot ? Just as I thought I could talk , my minds words are louder than the music in my ears. I can't even speak at all.She stares at me crudely.

" Aren't you gonna answer me?" The drunkie rudely remarks. " Fucking ask me to dance. You're lucky I even started talking to you. You know what. " she hicups her last words. " Fuuc youh" the drunkie falls on her last words. And I don't bother to pick the bitch up.

" Get the fuck off my floor. " I hear someone yell to the drunkie. I can't see the face , Im only seeing the back of the body. The person turns around. And my visions start to blur. For a minute I just stare at her , all I can see , is some green beautiful eyes. I soon realize she's been talking to me.

" Are you okay?" I hear her ask me. She holds a hand out for me to get up. But I have no force at all. " Who are you with? Erm..they probably drugged your drink. " her breath is hot against my cheek when she tries to pick me up. The music is slowly down now. And I cant feel thing. I see people staring at me , flying? Am I really flying. Woohoohoo.

" Ima get you a room so you can rest while I try to find someone who can help you." The same girl says. I realize that Im in a bed. And she's been staring at me for a while expecting me to answer. Did she just say im drugged?

Her face gets closer. And all Im focused on are those green beautiful heart taken eyes. Im in love. I laugh as shes about to leave. I feel my hand slowly hold her hand from leaving. This isnt even me. I can't control my body.

" No

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" No. Stay. " but all my mouth says is " No". I feel like I'm threatening her not to leave. So I decide to give her a compliment. " You're really fuck" my mouth spits. I feel embarrsed in my head. But I feel no signs to flushing. I meant to say' you're really beautiful as fuck.' Her eyes go wide. And lets go.

" Let me get you some help. " she frustrates her words. She digs her hands in her hair. I push her down next to me.

I softly touch her skin.I can feel her cheeks warm up.I suddenly have the urge to eat her whole face. I stare at her lips for a while. And I see some red juicy pumped lips. A small mustache but thats okay. I touch her lips and I see her wide eyes staring at me. I lean in for a kiss. I slide my tongue in. And all I feel is a wet slimy cheery taste tongue all over my mouth. It feels so good. I let out a soft moan.

I hear her heavily breathing. I can't control what im doing, but im doing it anyways. I bite her lips roughly. My heart aches. I don't wanna do this. Im not a one night stand. I've been through that before, and it doesn't feel good. I definitely don't want this beautiful girl getting hurt because I didn't know what i was doing.

Im drugged. Fuck you Liam. He probably did this on purpose so he could be alone with Taylor. My eyes go wide , well my mind thinks they are but im sure they're smaller than a chinse man, when I see that I leave her bite marks and hickeys.

" Im..Sorry." and suddenly my mind goes dark and I don't know what im looking at anymore. Im scared. Im left alone with my thoughts echoing in the dark.

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