typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
" He's not my brother." I glance at them. " Defiantly not my brother." I scoff and let out a small laugh.
" Thats what I thought" I say proudly when I hear the silence I want to hear. Before slamming the door. My dad has some nerve barely telling me and my mom he had a son before this family even happened. I lost all my respect for my dad. He practically lied to our faces.
Im driving so fast I dont even know where im going. But from the looks of it im at my girlfriends house. I get out the car slam the shit out of it. " Gigi" Angrily pounding on the door. I wait for a couple minutes. Slowly taking off my frown. As I see the women that I love or like?
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" Zayn?" Gigi say's while opening her door rubbing her eyes. She just woke up. Oh my beautiful baby. I hate barging in like this but I need my girl right now. I sound so pathetic.
" Hey. " I scartch the back of my head. " I just need you."I hugged her so tight. I love her. I've made so much mistakes and she still treats me with kindness.
" Baby whats wrong?" Her voice sounds with worry. She closes the door. And I sit on the couch. She lifts my chin up. " Hey. You can tell me. " she gives me that milion dollar smile.
" My dad's son came home tonight." I almosted said it if it was her fault.
Her eyes go wide. She licks her lips and tells me " And what happened?" She blinks so lightly. God blessed me. But I keep fucking up. Im such a big fuck up. I wonder how many times has she gone home crying for my heart breaking ass. Im so deep in my thoughts I forgot to answer her. She's just staring directly at me, with her eyes full of curiosity.
" I met him and I left thats all." I say angrily. She's probably going to ask for details.
" How did you meet him exactly?" She tilts her head. I knew it. I want to smile but I have no force to do it.
" I just left just knowing his name and my fucking dad was like , your brother barely came and I didnt even let that bastard finish I just left" my choice of words make her flinch. I didn't want to tell her what I did , but for some reason I always end up doing it.
" Zayn. Your dads righ-" I interupt her lifting both my hands up.
" Why because he's my fucking da- " Im surprised when she lifts her hand up as a sign to let her finish.
" I dont want to hear that anymore, you always find a reason for everyone to be against you. Its not like that. What you did was very disrespectful. What if somebody did that to me? "
" hell if somebod-" being cutt of by Gigi again.
She lifts her hand up again and tells me " Im not finished. You will go to your dads house and apologize to him and your broth" she clears her throat. " His son. And I will go with you. Now give me a kiss or you cant stay over" my goofy girlfriend says hitting me with a pillow.
I sigh so loudly " Okay. " and I kiss her with so much passion. " Thank you for being here for me. " I say. she laughs. Im confused I dont know why she found that funny.
" You dont have to thank me. I'll always be here even if you don't want me to be. " she says in awe.Her soft light hand brushes lightly against my skin. " Lets go cuddle and sleep." She says happily. Her eyes grow wide and she beigns laughing as I carry her to the bed. I haven't told her that I've loved her yet. And I don't think I want her to know. My bestfriend has told me experiences about being in love. And now I'm scared to even admit that I love this gorgeous blondie.
*** *** ***
" Good morning handsome." I wake up to the most beautiful angel in the world. She's upside down, her hair all over my face and white perfect teeth smiling to a fuck up like me. Her eyes are as blue as a swimming pool. The best part of it all is that she isn't wearing any make up. I just touch her soft small nose as a sign to let me sleep. I think she found out what I meant because now shes taking my covers.
" Oh no you don't." Laughing at me. " Get up loser. We have to remeat your brother , and I dont care if you don't like that name, I do " she smiles proudly. I dont like her right now. I just ignore her and jump into the shower. Im not ready for this. I dont get how I always end up doing shit for her.
I goan when I hear her singing. She's in a good mood. I know she's going to be super nice to that guy today. I ferl.my stomach tightening, it's not going to end well. It feels like hours being in the shower. But its only been 5 minutes. I get out and dry myself and put on my clothes from yesterday. I do my hair in a quiff. And I get a message from my girlfriend.
* Im in the car, stop doing your hair and come join me. :p *
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I laugh. She's something else. I just hope this ends well. How hard could it be?