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Zayn§ Pov

" What the hell is everyone staring at?" I ask Harry who can't keep the eyes of off someone. He leaves me without another word. My eyes travel to Liam and Taylor. Liam and Taylor? I walk towards to them and Taylor bites her lips at me and hugs Liam and bites his ear. She's disgusting. Her sex was okay, I only used her whenever I fought with Gigi or whenever I was horny. Liam's face looks like he just got tickled. All happy and scared. Liam is an idiot for liking this twig.

" Liam. I gotta talk to you." I push Taylor off and her laugh burns my back. I walk away with Liam.

" Oh now you see with me Taylor and you all of the sudden wanna speak to me. " Liam pushes past me. Shouldering me. " I dont thinks so. "

" Li, it isn't that. She's gonna use you! Go back home and forget about her. You know exactly how she is. " I point at a direction that I think Taylor is on.

" Lad, I know what you're doing. You think I don't know that you and Tay had something going on. I was there for Gigi when you weren't. So the least you can do is thank me for not hating you for being here instead of running after her everytime you fuck up. Also, for completely ignoring the fact that I was your bestfriend and you had hooked up with the female I desperately liked for a long time. Besides I cant go home I brought a friend here to meet my friends. "

" Who?" I laugh roughly.

" Le-wis" he shruggs.

" Who the hell is- what ? How do you even know him!" I start to feel anger when I think of Gigi and Louis hanging out all this time. And I didn't even notice because I was tripping about losing her. " Where the fuck is he ?" I yell at Liam. Grabbing his shirt.

" I dont know man. Relax. " Liams eyes grow wide.
" Get off me. Ima go get him. I rather have trouble looking for him than talking to you." He pushes past me.

I look around for Lewis. Pushing people out the way. I get relieved when I get a message from Harry.

* Tell everyone the Partys over. *

Before I can type why I get another message.

* Now. *

I grab the mic and tell everyone that the cops are coming and then im left alone in the house. My phone rings again.

* Im not home. Lock the door on the way out. *

* Please *



What is Gigi doing right now? I smile laying down on the bed and think of a million things she could do right now.

Should I text her? Fuck I don't even kn-. I get startled when I hear my phone ring.

It's Liam.

" What the fuck do you want. Im sleeping and you have some nerv-"

" You were not sleeping. You're a heavy sleepier it takes you at least 20 phone calls to wake up. Anyways, I lost Lewis and I need you to help me find him. Didn't your parents ask you where he was?" I hear the voice in the other end ask me.

" Uh no. They were asleep. And I gives a shit if he got lost. Find him on your own. " I scoff on the phone hang up.
Fucking except me to be okay with a guy coming in my house. Living in my house. Not to mention he was basically all fucking day with my girlfriend. Met my friends , and went to a party on the first day here. Shit I had to do a lot of shit to be in a party like that. Above all that , expect me to find him. Fuck no!

I hear my phone ring again. And I look whos calling and it's Gigi.

" Hello." I ask the phone.

" If you want me to accept your apology , and have me back help me find your brother. "

What the fuck. Why does everyone care so much about him. He isn't shit. Gigi should've talked to me without having to force herself to ask me to look for him. No fuck that. I dont care if shes my girlfriend or not.

" Who said I was even sorry." I spit crudely. " If you care about him so much. You can find him on your own. You obviously don't need my help. " I hang up on her. I end up blocking her and everyone else that knows Lewis.

This is such a fucking day! Everyone suddenly wanna push me away for some fucking..some fucking.. I dont even know what to call to him!


I wake up from a phone call

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I wake up from a phone call. And it's fucking Harry. I missed 36 calls.

Man Liam was right. It does take more calls to wake me up. I dont even wanna deal with his shit today. Or anybodys. Im fucking done for the day. Im turning my phone off and going back to sleep.

" Zayn. Where the hell is Louis."

" If somebody mentions that fucking name again I swear. "

" You swear what? I had enough of your shit. You're grounded Zayn. The least you could've done is pretend like you cared about my son like I cared about you. He is particularly me. " my dad says looking at the ground softly taking my car keys phone my wallet and even my fucking blanket.

" You can stay here all day. But just know when you need something" he stops talking and laughs. " im not gonna be here to give it to you anymore. " without another word he slams the door. And all I can hear is my mom yelling for him not to  leave us. Im speechless. I cant believe I had to deal with that shit yesterday but today also. Fuck.

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