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Loui§ Pov

Its been two days since I've moved here and it feels longer. All this drama shit going on in my dads house shows how this year is going to be for me. I look at Gigi  who's incredibly happy right now for who knows what. It makes me anxious, who is she talking about? 

"Where are we going?" I ask Gigi who's moving her head side to side , dramatically humming. She looks at me and smiles. She  doesn't say another word untill we get to this other big manshion. Is everyone rich here? Im getting tired of seeing rich people all the time. Rich this and rich that. All they do is spend money, eat salad while laughing and judge people with their expensive tea cups. I in the other hand dont act like im rich. I have so much and I only wear so little. Is there even a world where there's poor people?

" Um. Louis?" Gigi says chuckling a bit. " I said you can get out the car now." Gigi's cheeck flush with laughter in her tone. I was  deep into my thoughts that I forgot I was even alive.

Gigi leads the way to this big humongous pink manshion. It's the lighest shade of pink, with crystal windows. What the fuck is this? I suddenly feel like im in Cinderella's castle. But instead of Cinderella's , its her sisters. The lawn is so big , I feel like I've been walking for hours. This better not be Gigi's house or im running away. She's hot but her house is just not. We're still walking? Man how long is this gonna take. Her heels are shrieking in my ears and its annoying me.

" Can you step a little harder? " I remark Gigi who's finally at a fucking door step. She turns around and look both ways , acting like if I wasn't talking to her. She rings a door bell and we wait in silence for a few minutes. Then all I hear is a sound of an awful dying horse.

" Gigi! Oh it's been so long I haven't seen you. " a blonde hugs Gigi, who doesn't seem to get her freaking eyes of me. She lets go of Gigi. She smiles at me. She's beautiful too but no way im stepping in this house, but i have no other choice but to stay here in this stupid period house.

" Who's this? " A blonde says while balashing her fake eyelashes to me. She in the other hand, doesn't wear as much make up as Gigi and Zayn's mom. She's two inches smaller than me. She licks her lips, her eyes wondering all over me. She has blue water eyes. And really thick eyebrows. Her hair and her eyebrows dont match at all.This is probably who Gigi was talking about.

Im deciding to introduce myself. I really don't need Gigi talking for me all the time. God gave me a mouth and Im gonna use it while I have it. " Im Louis, Louis Tomlinson. " I give her my what-girls-always-fall-for smile. I think I got her on lock now, she's practically drooling over me. Not to mention she's shaking my hand so hard I can see her arm fat jiggling.

Finally someone saves my long day to speak. And it's the girl who forced my ass to come here. " Well, can we go inside?" Gigi coughs her last words , covering her mouth with her pale white hand. Her hand and her face don't match color. Im pretty sure its the make up.

" Oh! Yeah, of course. I'm so sorry. " the blonde giggles, also, stomping her heels inside the manshion. She's so thin , her heels are bigger than her body , I'm scared she might twist her leg and fall.

"Oh!" The blonde slaps her forehead. Me and Gigi jump slightly at the voice." I didnt even tell you my name." She giggles at me again.

" Im Cara." She offers to shake my hand again, but I ignore her gesture. I am not going throught that again. The flash back of her arm fat is going to give me nightmares.

" How'd you guys meet

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" How'd you guys meet." Cara says moving her hands around. I don't know if she's asking me but im definitely not answering that. Gigi looks at me for my answer, and her cheeks flush when she reads my face expression.

" Um Cara. We don't have all day. " she smiles softly at her with sympathy. " I only came here to ask for the girls." She looks around.

" That's exactly where we're going. The girls are here." She laughs with mock in her voice. She turns around to grin at both of us. Gigi just gives me a ' are you okay? ' look. But I pretend I didn't see it. She needs to feel guilty. I just wanted to be alone but instead I was dragged in this pink shit hole.

"Girls! Gigi came and she brought a friend with her." She licks her lips at me once again. Then me and Gigi finally enter the living room? She sits down. And she pats a seat next to her for Gigi. And she leaves me left alone. In front of wondering eyes staring back at me. " Im Louis." I lamely say for like the 100th time. I decide to give a shy smile. So I don't sound rude.

" Tell us more about yourself though." A brunette says smiling at me. Gigi gets up and tells everyone to save that for later. To introduce their selfs instead.

" Im Eleanor " The same brunnte hair girl smiles at me. She's white, but she isn't blonde. Thank god. I've been seeing blonde all my life. She's beautiful, she doesn't even need make up. She has a baby face.

" Im Danielle" A curly haired girl says to me softly

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" Im Danielle" A curly haired girl says to me softly. She has the smallest white face ever.

"Who the fuck are you?" The scrawny person points at me with her nail polished probably 2,400 dollar pedicure

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"Who the fuck are you?" The scrawny person points at me with her nail polished probably 2,400 dollar pedicure.

"That's Louis, Taylor." Cara yells back at her. " He's our guest. I can bring people too. You act like this is only your house!" Cara shoves her. " If you're not gonna show some respect. You can leave." She spits. I figure they're sisters. They don't look alike. At all.

" Hey girls

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" Hey girls. Its fine. We're going to leave now." Gigi says loud enough so the two dramatic girls can hear her. They turn to face at her. Cara has a ' no you aren't ' face.

" You're the one who brought him here? How dare you stupid bitch. " She pushes Gigi to the floor. " Stop bringing  people in my fucking hous-" I suddenly have the urge to yell at her for pushing down my  only friend.

" Did you not hear her? She said we're leaving." I hold her thin arm in a tight grip to let her know who's she messing with. " Don't ever lay a hand on her again. "

And what most surprises me , is that she smirked at my face and went upstairs.
" Fine. Y'all can have your tea party. Just know my girls are coming too. " she laughs. But like a evil 'ekeke' laugh.

what the fuck?

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