typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
I try to open my eyes but everytime I try to , my eyes go wild and dark, looks like Im tripping out in the galaxy. Okay I got this. I open my eyes slowly, and trip just for a while. I finally can see things. Things that aren't even mine..
" FUCK" I nearly scream. I see my body naked , only covered with the bed sheet. Im left alone in the bed , thank God but I still fucked somebody or somebody fucked me! I barely got here man.
I hear footsteps coming to the closed door. I get up and quickly put on everything I can. And the door slowly opens and my eyes are closed shut afraid of the reaction.
" Goodmorning. " I hear someone say to me.
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I open my eyes and see a guy standing there with a coffee in his hands. He has beautiful green eyes, that I can imagine change color when he feels emotion. He has the most longest hair I ever seen in a guy. Its even curly.Where can I get hair like that? He's super, duper, I mean super tall. He's dressed in all black and has the skinnest jeans I ever seen a man wear on. His shirt is cut open to see his small chest hairs and tattoos.
" Um, are you okay?" He interrupts the details Im describing him.
" Yeah, I am.." I stop my words. And start to freak out. This isnt even my house. This is probably his. That means we..
" Oh fuck. Don't tell me we fucked." My eyes grow wide as I realize I said that without fliter. I look at him waiting for an answer that hopefully says no.
" No. Actually, you fucked my friend." He looks at the ground softly, shifting his body towards where im sitting. Looking at me concerned. He looks mean as hell.
" Who?" I ask without thinking again.
" You'll meet her someday. She told me not to tell you anything about her, she wants to meet like , normal people meet. I think she was in love.." He smiles at me slowly. Licking his plumed bright pink lips.
My eyes grow wide. And I hear my heart at my ears.
" Nah im just shitting with you." He laughs. He has a loud laugh. He is so fucking loud.
" Can you talk any louder!" I yell at him. " Where's Liam? Did he just leave me here? Do you know what exactly happened?" I look at him annoyed that he's so closed to me. I roll my eyes and move away from him. " Honestly you need to back up man. I just woke up naked and alone and in somebody's house." I say looking around fists in the air. I look back at him. " I don't even know you." I rub my hands on my face and lay them on my thighs.
" Woah, slow down man. This is actually my house. And I dont know any Liams and i dont know what exactly happened. Im Harry by the way." He gives me a cheeky smile. He gives me a strange look that nobody else has given me.
" Well um. Thanks? Bye." I get up walking towards the door.
" Wait. Don't you want a pill? I mean you obviously have a huge headache an-"