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Loui§ Pov

" Louis? Louis wake up please. " I hear a mans voice call me out the dark. I shove my hands on the mans? Yeah mans face. Well I think, let me check if they have any boobies.

" What the hell Louis!"

I smile proudly to myself , squiting my eyes harder and then I feel my body slowly fall on the floor.

" Give me a break" I open my eyes to see my dad shaking his head at me, looking at me.

" Ow? And well you did break up with your girlfriend or whatever the hell she was. " I scratch my head and press my lips together holding a laugh.

" Not funny. Get up, and get ready. We're leaving in 10 unless you wanna drive yourself and be late." My dad says turning his figure out the hall way. Making me get up and rub my butt because of the short pain from the fall I just had.

I walk towards him, facing the back of my dad. Grabbing a toast that barely got toasted?

" Shit! " That burned both my fingers. I throw the toast bread on the floor, putting my two fingers in my mouth. Picking up the toasted burned bread and taking both my fingers out before my dad sees. Leaning my hand on the wall.

" Late for what ?" I blow on the toasted bread. I take a bite and hear my self chewing loud. Like a crash kind of loud. Sometimes I wonder if anyone can hear me. Anyways I know the bread is dirty but 5 second rule doesn't say it is. Yeah. I did that.

" For school son." My dad turns to look at me,whiping his glasses with a whipe. Which cleary is wet, and it won't be dry enough to cause the glasses to be blurry. I watch my eyes on his hand wiping his glasses, and is now taking a dry wipe? Drying the glasses. I watch my dad face them in front of him. I look closely, I guess it did work. Suddenly...I remember he just mentioned school.

" School?!" I yell loudly making his glasses fall on the ground. Don't worry, they're safe, its a carpet. A freaking fluffy carpet.

" What do you mean school?" I pick up the angry inpatient glasses up from the floor and hand them to them.

" Louis" my dad snatches the glasses from my hand and puts them on. " Just get ready." He closes his suit case and heads for the door.

" 5 minutes, or you're on your own." He looks at me with wide eyes and points to me. He leaves me absolutely clueless. I decide to quickly jump in the shower. Well not jump, because that's just stupid I would slip and break something. Although that sounds like a good idea..

I get out and start getting a pair of black and white adidas on top of my bed. Also, placing black skinny jeans with a white plain shirt. I smirk at myself. I put them clothes on, and check what time I have left before my dad leaves me. 2 fucking minutes. I blow dry my hair and quickly out my hair in a quiff.

I get out the house and I just locked the top lock because I don't have keys. I get inside the car, and smirk at my dad who is driving me.

" Yeah. No wipe that smirk of your face, you took like 10 minutes. I waited, only " My dad looks at me while starting his engine. " because its your first day and you're gonna be completely dumb foded. Your backpack is in the back. " he points to the back of the seats. And drives quickly.

I turn my body and lay my long yet short, arm over to reach the backpack. As I thought I couldn't, I take off my seat belt and reach even more. Ah, got it. I take a quick look at my ADIDAS backpack. What the hell?

I turn to look at my dad and smile widely at him. He doesn't even bother to look at me he just shurggs it off. So I put my seatbelt on and lay my head on the window.

Before I can close my eyes I bump my head against the window and take a glance at it. Its a school. A small school. I groan and my stomach starts jumping everywhere. I lay my head against the window and close my eyes and pretend its a dream. There's no place like home.

" Get out Louis!" My dad reaches his arm to open the passenger door and unbuckens my seat belt. Pushing me off the car. He closes the door and throws out my backpack through the window.

 He closes the door and throws out my backpack through the window

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I guess that only works in movies. I get up slowly and glance around certain people who laugh and look at me. My cheeks start to heat up and I get my backpack and put it over my shoulder.

I don't even know what the hell to do first. I walk inside the packed school, still having eyes on me. I keep my head down and go to the nearest bathroom. I open the backpack and find a note inside.

" If you're smart enough to open this backpack and read this, then you'll make it." I roll my eyes figuring its my dad. I continue to read.
" First things first, you need to go the office which you'll find a sign that reads ' office ' , go inside and introduce yourself as a transfer and a new student. They'll immediately know who you are because no one is a transfer here or new at all. Anyways, they'll give you your new schedule. "

I blink my eyes softly and realize this is actually happening. I don't bother wasting time, I quickly skip my way through the office and did exactly what my dad said.

" Louis Tomlinson, transfer and a new student." I give a small smile to a elderly lady. She smiles back and shakes  head. She gives me my schedule and tells me that we have 6 periods everyday. And gives me the list of times of each class has. I thank her and walk my way out. I look at the list, the time list and see that I only have 10 minutes to find my first class. This shouldn't be hard, should it?

I walk past many freaking stares,they fucking stare at me like im fresh meat. Its irritating, if it weren't my first day I'd threw my hands at these mofos and ask wassup with them stares.

I look at my schedule again, my first class is English, 1409. Now where the fuck am I gonna find 1409?

I glance at every sign that gives a room number. I groan, this is harder than I thought. I hear the bell ring, and I groan even harder. This is fucking great seriously. " Thanks dad!" I raise both my hands up. And shake my head. I glance up and watch people give me stares but quickly change to fond.

I roll my eyes, and cough. I walk quicker, to the long hall way, and find a room that says 1009. Which means the room must be 3 rooms upstairs. I sigh heavily. I quickly pace these stairs like a freaking pro, cause shit I am. Im cussing a lot because im nervous. Super nervous, I mean  I can care less what they can think of me , but Im nervous because I'm late , which means more stares. And stares make me angry.

----A/N - im sorry about the late updates , ill make them up loves

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A/N - im sorry about the late updates , ill make them up loves

Did anyone find out about Danielle holding another guys hand and kissing a female ?What are your thoughts about it?
Zayns new single is in Fifty Shades Darker trailer !! xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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