typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
" Well. Uh.. Sometimes. I-i used too. " I struggle answering Liams question. It caugh me off guard. I really don't remeber the last time I drank.
" Let's go to a party?" Liam gently takes me to another room so the girls don't hear us. " I mean, if you want too. Im asking because I want you to meet the guys." He smiles glancing away for any girls.
" Um." I take a moment to over think the question. It can't be that bad right? I mean. It would be nice to have some friends before school. My nose wrinkles when I think of school. I flush when I see Liam tilting his head at me. He waits patiently for my answer. " Yeah sure. " I say to the patient bearded guy.
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" Great. We'll can leave at 8." Liam walks towards the girls again only to tackle or tickle the girls. Making everyone of them smile. Especially Danielle. I take a small glance at everyone, I take a longer one to Gigi who's glancing back at me too. I stare at the ground for a few seconds. Then she gets up and walks towards me.
" You ready to go to dinner Lou?" Gigi smiles at me with her pink puffy eyes and red nose.
" No. Actually I can't go. And besides uh..I don't want you to go. Can you jus- uh text my dad and tell him that I just decided to look around still and change the dinner for tomorrow." I smile softly at her. Feeling bad all of the sudden. Its not that I didn't wanna go its just , with this Zayn shit and all. He's just bad news.
" Yeah. Okay. " she presses her lips together and jumps on Liam's back and all the girls join him. Except Danielle who went walking away.
" Hey." I catch my breath when I reach up to her. " Where you going?" I smile, breathing heavily.
" Oh. I just. Well um, needed some air. That's all" she looks away walking away again.
"What's wrong?" I hold her back as softly as I can. I blink for few seconds only to find her crying.
" I just wish he had liked me." She sobbs on me. I can feel her wet tears on my shirt. I wanna push her away. I suck at emotions and comfort.
" Well. Uh... Whats wrong?" I ask looking stupid. I almost slapp my head with her hand. She surprises me by laughing.
" You just have a way to make someone feel better." Danielle says sarcastically,looking into my soul with her brown eyes.
" Not really. Well, I think he will soon realize what he lost. " I put a hand on her shoulder for comfort? I guess. I gulp when I hear her laugh again.
" You're really bad at this." Danielle laughs. " But you know how to make someone have a laugh. " she walks away towards the girls again leaving me left alone with deep thoughts.
*** Zayn§ Pov
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Why did I even bother going back to this party. I should be running after Gigi. My beautiful.. I dont even know what to call her anymore. Im afraid I actually lost her. I need a drink. I sigh loudly. Im halfway to the drinks only to see Taylor's back at the party again. Im scared of her, I think she put a tracking device on my dick or something. I walk away quickly to bump into Harry.
Harry looks like he's about to fuck me up, then realizes its just me. He laughs for a while.
" Decided to come back?" Harry smirks at me. I could punch him I really could. But he's the only friend I have left. Besides the others which are technically his friends.
" Thought so." Harry reads my mind. He points to Taylor who's already staring at us. "Don't fuck her anymore. I heard her talk to her friends, she wants to fuck another guy. " he takes a sip of his beer while smoking his blunt.
" Man. Fuck off. You don't even know whats going on." I roll my eyes at the annoying mop of curls.
" I don't have to I already know." He stares back at me.
" Where's Zac?" I cough while I hit the blunt.
" You hit it like a bitch. " he stares at his house for a while then stares back down on me. " I don't know and I don't care. "
" You don't care about anyone." I spit at Harry who laughs winking at some hot chicks.
" It's all about sex and money." Harry pulls out nearly more than 600 out of his pants.
" What the fuck. Put that shit away." I laugh while I nudge him.
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Harry stares at something for a while then looks at me , pats my back and leaves.A guy literally drops a girl from his hands while dancing and another girl knocked herself over on the couch and spills her drink on her dress.