typical Louis Tomlinson is in fact straight. He comes from the other side of the world only to realize that he is still in fact staright... ¿or is he
will he be gay ?
bisexual ?
or even LESBIAN ?
or still straight ?
I dont know what the hell im doing but from the looks of it, I dailed my moms number and now im left with the sound of ringing on the other end. I hang up as soon as I hear footsteps. A voice travels in the room. " Can I come in?" The blonde asks with bright blue eyes battlling at me. Why the hell is she even here?
"You're already in aren't you." I spit. I start regretting it when I see her frown. She's gorgeous. " Im sorry. " I look at the ground. " I guess its just because im mad . " I bite my lip.
" Oh no. I totally understand" she chuckles. " I'm pretty mad too, at Zayn." She says with in a obviousness voice while looking at me. I think she is. Its silent for a while, untill she sits in front of me in my bed.
Silence fills in the room. But a loud voice travels in my ears." My name's , Gigi , I'm Zayn's girlfriend. " She smiles. " But I think you already know that. " She laughs calling me out.
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" Im sorry about that. "My cheeks start to flush. I can feel myself bright pink. The hotness on my skin is making me nervous. I hope she doesn't notice.
" Its fine, its just funny , how did you know I even forced him or that I was his girlfriend?" She asks with concern all over her face. I honestly didnt even know. I thought she was a one night stand or even a hooker.
Without even realizing my words. I say that louder than I thought. " I didn't. I thought you were his hooker." Completely feeling dumb as fuck for saying that. I can feel my cheeks getting hot again. I know by now she's probably gonna hate me like Zoey does. Zoey. I would laugh if Gigi wasn't in front of me. Im surprised that she hasn't slapped me yet.
" I feel like that sometimes. " she gives me a soft smile. I start to feel for her but I shrugg it off.
" Why. I mean, the way he soften when you elbowed him to apologize to me explains everything. " I lie. I honestly didn't even look at him. I looked at her with confusion.
" Really? " she sarcastically says. " Anyways, how do you feel about living here? Wait you didnt even tell me your name."she grins at me after she smacks her forehead.
" Im Louis. " I lick my lips. I start to feel like I'm being sexual by licking my lips. And especially when she's staring at my lips smiling. I ruin the awkwardness by answering her question.
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" How do you want me to feel.Your boyfriend's being a dick and my dad isnt doing shit about it. " I scoff rubbing my nose. I don't regret telling her or answering her like that. But she's getting annoying just sitting here inocent as if nothing were to happened at all.
" Why are you even here? Its not like you care. If anything go downstairs and care about your boyfriend. " I tell her while looking at the door. She joins me. We both hear the noises of my dad and her boyfriend yellling. Its been a while since that's been going on. I start to feel bad when I start thinking that she's the only one that has given me a real smile besides my dad.
" Im sorry. Im just annoyed by all this shit!" I make her flinch when I lift my hands. I didnt mean to do that but I can control myself. If she was in my shoes I think she would've lost it too.
" And I get it. I just wanted to be a friend, it looks like you need one. " she says checking me out, while smiling. What the hell is her proble- . My thoughts get distracted by a loud noise. Which I assume its a door. And its probably Zac leaving.I roll my eyes quickly before Gigi sees.
" Well, I guess I can use a friend. I shouldn't be like this with you. You're the only one thats been nice to me besides my dad." I look away sallowing any emotion I have left.
" Well thats why you can have me! " She shrieks happily. It gets silent when we hear footsteps to our door. Its my dad.
" Im sorry to interrupt you guys , but Louis we're going to get dinner soon, you can go off buy anything or spend the remainder of the time here. " My dad looks at me staright in the eye with guilt. I think he already knows that I don't want to go. I think hes going to tell Gigi that Zayn left because hes looking at her now.
" As for you Gigi, Zayn left to the Gym" he says with annoyance in his voice. "Maybe you can get him to join us?" He looks around in the room. And waits for an answer.
I look at her and see her do this thinking face , she presses her eyebrows together. " Actually no. Im going to keep your son company here." She literally echoed in the room. Me and my dad look like we just had a heart attack cause fuck that was loud.
" That would be a splendid idea Gigi, maybe him show him around school too? " he grins while asking her. I just realized what he just said. Schools right around the corner. What the fuck am I going to do?
" You can count on me. Come on Louis say goodbye to your dad because we're going on a tour!" She raises her hand up only to grab mine. And without even letting me say bye to my dad. We're already outside in front of her car.
I stop in my tracks. " How do I not know you wont sell me. " remembering I called her a hooker. I put both my arms folded against my chest. I thought she would run me over her car. But instead I get pushed inside by a happy blonde.
" I have something much better."she evilly tells me before touching my nose and closing her door to get to hers.
" They're going to love you. " she looks at me before driving. And for a second I forgot I was a guy. I laugh. She's weird. Who the hell is 'they're'. Better not be the people she's selling with.
" If you're wondering who they are, you'll find out. " she looks directly at the road. " Tell me about yourself" she turns to me for a while then looks back at the road. She taps her fingers against the wheel. Her fingers are so white. I think she's whiter than Zayn.
" What do you wanna know?" I ask with confusion in my face. Why does she wanna know. I think she's probably into me or , she's gonna hook me up.
" Why did you move here after several years?" She asks out of no where while turning on her ac. Its not even hot. She's crazy. This was bad idea..
" Well my mom remarried a guy who's like filthy rich. But jokes on her , my dads richer. Anyways, apparently he has a family. And she just decided one day she didn't want me anymore. So yeah " I look at her frowning.
" Im sorry. I didnt kno-" I interrupt her with my laugh.
" You cant be sorry for how life is. I dont need or want you feeling bad for me or ill jump out the car" I joke.
Her eyes grow wide and she locks the doors." Okay. " she says with worry in her voice.and the whole ride goes to silence.