moldy yogurt

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Jimin took some deep breaths as he pulled into his employee parking spot early. He got out of his car, leaving his ugly vest in the passenger seat.

He walked to the front of the store and took a right, and he quickly arrived in front of Nari's door. He mustered up the courage and lightly knocked on her door. He prayed her boyfriend wouldn't be there, but he didn't have a plan regardless.

He looked down and saw a small puddle of yogurt on the step from when he dropped it the last time he was here. The yogurt was starting to decay and decompose.
Just like his heart.
A minute passed.
The door finally creaked open, and he instantly recoiled when he saw her.

He almost forgot everything he wanted to say. He had angrily planned a half-rant half-apology, and maybe even some crying involved, but it all melted away into nothing. He couldn't even think anything remotely immoral when he was around her.

He composed himself and asked the first question that came to mind.

"Is your boyfriend home?" Jimin cringed at his voice. It was higher than usual, and pitchy. He hoped she didn't hear how desperate he sounded.

She sighed heavily and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. Jimin didn't take that as a good sign.

"Jimin, why are you here?" She asked gently, but her tone was still present.

"I asked a question, please answer it." He tried his best to sound stern but the sight of her made his tough facade seem stupid.

She hesitated with her response. "Yes Jimin. He's my boyfriend."

"But he wasn't the night you got drunk and came to the store." Jimin said matter of factly. Nari looked taken aback.

"Excuse me? Don't cause any trouble Jimin. I'm not in the mood for this." She rubbed her forehead, and her face scrunched in irritation.

For some strange reason, Jimin suddenly had a burst of confidence. He didn't know if it was the fact that she was here and he was just so overwhelmed, or the fact that if he spoke loud enough her boyfriend could hear them, but his words just suddenly bursted out like vomit.

"I'm just gonna say it Nari. You don't seem happy. When you come into my store every night, that's when you look happiest. Not here with your bossy boyfriend. With me. In my store."
Jimin felt so out of breath he might've passed out. He was shocked with himself that he actually said what he did, to say the least, but he was pleasantly shocked.

The seconds ticked by and Jimin now wished he had actually passed out to avoid the awkwardness and the large amount of tension.

She just stared at him. Then she stared at the yogurt on the ground.

"Well, it's not your store you know." He could see the smirk on her face.

Jimins eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then unfurrowed, then furrowed again.

"What?" Jimin replied.

"You're just a minimum wage worker in a tacky vest." She giggled softly.

It took Jimin a few beats to smile, and comprehend, but it came.
And it felt good.

"Listen, I have a lot to think about. Are you working tonight?" Her face grew taut again.

"Of course." He said. She nodded.

"Save me something sugary, I'll need it." She reached behind her and turned the doorknob.=

"Nari! Why are you taking so long?" A voice boomed from inside the thin-walled house.

Nari suddenly looked behind her, then back at Jimin, her face growing concerned.

"Okay, I have to go. I have to try to sneak out to avoid Joowon, so there's no guarantee that I'll be there, but wait for me." She spoke in a harsh whisper now, her eyes dilated with what looked like borderline fear.

Nari snuck behind the door, seeing only her pale fingertips slip away before the door was completely closed.

"I'll always wait for you." Jimin whispered back to the door, and into the air.

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