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Jimin called in sick the next day. He couldn't bare the thought of standing for hours by himself. He knew Nari wouldn't show, so there wouldn't even be a point in going.
Jimin knew that he didn't care about the money, or the experience the job gave him. That meant close to nothing to him. The only thing that was keeping him from quitting and running for the hills was Nari.
She was his anchor, the only thing keeping him rooted to the ground.
But how he wished so dearly to just float and fly away.

He sat on the couch and convinced his mom that he was just tired and needed a break, despite her annoying and headache inducing arguments to see a doctor.

After getting used to staying up late at work, he didn't grow tired until about 2 am. There was an almost constant thudding in his head that he blamed his mother for, but in reality, he knew who the cause of it was.

He truly thought that she was strong enough to know what was good for her, what benefitted her and what didn't. And he felt selfish admitting it, but the thought crept into his brain that maybe, just maybe, he was what was good for her. He felt happiness oozing whenever he was around her, he was awakened from the fog clouding his existence when she walked in the store. He wanted to be the one to walk her home every night after his shift, and buy her unhealthy food and sit with her in the breakroom while they talked about nothing and everything at the same time.

He wanted to spend all his graveyard shifts with her.

Jimin's head hit the pillow hard, and he didn't open his eyes until the late afternoon. His shift would start in a couple of hours, and he mulled over the thought of calling in sick another day. The thought fizzled suddenly when his mom came in his room yelling at him, calling him lazy and unmotivated.

Jimin shooed his mom away and got dressed. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and the word 'unmotivated' spun and echoed around in his head. He grabbed his keys and a quick breakfast and got in his car.

Jimin had an idea.
And Jimin sure as hell was motivated.

a/n: omg i'm so sorry both me and micky have been superrrr busy so we couldn't find a time to write together for like five million years buT WE BACK AYYY LETS GOO

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