microwave chicken ramen II

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As Nari finished her ramen, Jimin asked her if she needed anything else, in which she replied "another shot of vodka."

That made Jimin laugh hard.

Nari was only a little less drunk than before, which made her only a little easier to handle. Nari insisted that they moved to the small couch against the wall because she wanted to lie down.

"There's not enough room for me if you lie down." He smiled. He had been smiling so much in the last couple hours it hurt, and he almost felt intoxicated himself just by being in her presence.

"Not if I lie on you." She suggested innocently.

Jimin spat out a cough, nearly choking on his own spit.

"Wait, not like that." She put her hands out in front of her in defense. "I meant to ask if I lie on your lap." Jimin still looked skeptical, his eyes squinting slightly.

"Pleeeeeaassee Jimin." She pouted, and Jimin sighed, shaking his head and grinning to himself.

He laughed nervously and sat down on the far side of the couch. Nari looked pleased, wiggling her eyebrows. She sat down on the other side and swung her legs next to her, placing her head on his thighs. Jimin's heart began to race and his palms were sweaty. He was extremely nervous being this close to her. No, not even nervous.

Nervous was an understatement.

He was petrified.

He could feel her staring up at him, but he was looking anywhere but her face.

She giggled loudly and he felt her head shake with every sharp breath she took in.

"You look funny from this angle." She said.

"Gee, thanks." Jimin looked down at her for only a moment. Long enough to see her bright eyes looking up at him, and a small smile on her lips.

She laughed again. Her laugh sounded like an art piece turned auditory, if that made sense. "Not in a mean way!" She reached her hand up and poked his nose.

"You're weird." He smiled and his nose scrunched when she touched it. Every part of his body had an automatic reflex to her touch, and he could do nothing to stop it.

"Just drunk." She returned the smile, except wider. Her eyes then grew more heavy, and she finally closed them shut.

"Why do you keep coming back to my store?" Jimin murmured. He was almost positive she was passed out cold, so he didn't expect an answer, he was just speaking aloud, wondering to himself.

But then he heard her shift.

She let out a loud sigh.

"It kinda gives me purpose."

Her words were so slurred, it took Jimin a second to understand what she was saying.

"What?" Jimin slightly jumped at her words, simply because he didn't expect her to say that, ever.

"Quiet Jimin, I'm talking." She attempted to find his mouth to put her hand over it, but eventually gave up, which made him giggle. She smiled with no teeth, her eyes still closed the entire time.

"As I was saying... Well my my life is kinda boring. I would just go through each day with nothing to do, repeating the same things. Then I find myself in search of some blueberry yogurt, and BAM!" She flew her hands out in front of her in expression, suddenly wide awake. 

"Seeing you each night made my life more interesting. I really looked forward to seeing you every time I woke up. It was something I could be excited for, something that made me happy."

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