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Jimin got a text promptly at 11 am that Sunday.

Nari: You are cordially invited to casa de Nari this afternoon at 3. Food will be provided. Dress in your best casual attire. See you soon x

He reread her text over and over again, until the initial feeling of pleasured shock died down. He wasn't sure if she was actually going to judge his casual attire, but he didn't want to test that theory.
He bursted into his room and shuffled through his closet, settling on a pair of skinny jeans and a fitted t-shirt. He wasted time eating lunch and styling his hair 4 different ways, finally giving up and letting it fall over his forehead, almost hooding his lids.
At 2:45 he brushed his teeth and drove to the store. He never asked her where he should park, so he assumed to just park in his normal employee parking spot at the convenience store.

He recalled which door was hers without difficulty, and knocked. He heard running footsteps towards the door, and a series of two bolts unlocking.

She opened the door.

Nari was only wearing a pair of denim shorts and a tank top, but Jimin couldn't help but stare in awe of how simply effortless she was, all the time.
She could have been wearing a trash bag and still looked like herself.

Which was simply and naturally beautiful.

"Why, don't you look dashing! You would have gotten bonus points if you wore that gorgeous red vest though. What a shame." She winked and opened the door for him to walk in.

"Oh shut up." He murmured jokingly and slid his shoes off. His shyness was starting to get the best of him. He tried to hide his shyness, which just made things even more awkward and shy. He internally cringed at himself.

"I have a large array of snacks on the table, and a wide selection of options for entertainment." Nari explained as Jimin looked to the table and the TV, to see none of the sort.

"And by that I mean, a bowl of chips and we're watching Soul Eater."

Jimin laughed loudly, instinctively covering his mouth.

"Don't cover your mouth, I would kill for a laugh like that." She grabbed his wrist and led him to the creaky old couch. Jimin remembered her saying something similar when she was drunk, but he guessed she didn't remember saying what she said.

They made themselves comfortable and talked over 3 episodes of Nari's show. The lights were dimmed. Jimin was confused as to why she would put on the show if they were just going to talk the whole time anyways. Nevertheless, Jimin was impressed to learn so much about her in such a short time, but at the same time he expected nothing less from her. Nari seemed to be an open book for Jimin, and he hoped he was among the few people she confided with eventually. Of course he would give her time, but a part of Jimin wanted to go fast. He wanted to just cut to the chase.
Jimin never had a real best friend growing up, just a few casual friends he hung out with. Nobody really knew everything about him. With Nari, he felt a strong urge to just spill his guts to her, along with his heart, which he already had. He wanted to write everything he knew about himself down and give it to her. He also wanted to listen to her talk about herself for days on end. She could be talking about nothing or everything and Jimin would listen.
But her voice itself was a complete subject on its own. Her voice was the rawest yet sensitive voice to Jimin's ears. It was sweet but true. She was able to talk about herself in a non selfish manner, while still being confident in her words and actions. The way she carried and presented herself was so attractive to Jimin, and was unlike any girl he had known. It was stunning and refreshing, along with everything about her.

He knew he liked Nari. Sure, he was a shy kid normally, but Nari made him feel shy in a way he'd never experienced. He was somewhat intimidated by how confident she was, but in a way it brought him out of his shell. Whenever she's around, he's never afraid to say what's on his mind. It's almost like he fed off of her boldness.
Her support made him feel safe and knowing. He knew that whatever he says will be backed up by a beautiful sounding laugh or a smile in his direction, so he was able to express his thoughts and opinions freely.

He loved that.
And he couldn't wait to see more of her.

graveyard shift // pjm [completed]Where stories live. Discover now