coffee and red slushies

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Jimin couldn't help himself as his eyes started to droop. He propped his head up on his hand and yawned. He knew he had to stay awake, but the lack of sleep the night before was really starting to hit him.

After a an hour of fighting his tiredness, the exhaustion in his bones won as his eyes closed and he slept lightly. He was awoken by a smack against the counter. He jumped and his eyes flew open. His manager was standing right in front of him, looking particularly angry.

"Park Jimin! I trusted you with this job to stay awake. You're lucky I was here to wake you up, because you have a customer!" He gestured to none other than Nari, looking beautiful even at this time, standing shyly by the door.

He leaned in close to Jimin and lowered his voice. "She could have taken everything. Money, lottery tickets, and merchandise. I'll spare you this time, but next time I won't be so lenient. Now wake up and do your job." He seethed.

Jimin's gaze followed him to the break room. He slammed the door behind him. Jimin sighed and massaged his face, slapping it lightly to wake himself up, mentally cursing himself and his manager.

"Sorry, Jimin. I walked in and saw that you were asleep, I was about to wake you up, but he got to you first." Nari spoke softly, and Jimin could smell her familiar vanilla like scent. It perked him up immediately.

"No, it's not your fault at all. I'm just exhausted." Jimin semi mumbled, smiling slightly at her.

"Yeah, I get that." Nari looked towards the break room door then back at Jimin. "He's a grump, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah. He always catches me when I'm doing bad stuff too. It's like he knows when I'm slacking off, and that's when he decides to show up." Jimin chuckled, smiling bigger.

Nari smiled back then disappeared into the back of the store. Jimin watched her turn at the end of the aisle. He heard the buzz of the coffee machine start up. He grinned.

She returned with a coffee and a red slushie. She handed him the coffee, her eyebrows raised.

"No coffee for you?" He asked, his eyes gaining its twinkle again.

"Coffee stunts your growth, and I'm already short enough." She replied with a giggle, gesturing to her petite frame.

"I actually heard that's not true." Jimin replied matter of factly.

"I am short, look at me!" She joked.

"No, I meant the coffee thing!" He said, laughing along with her.

"Well, I still think it tastes bad. I'd much rather have this. Artificial flavors and enough sugar to make your dentist faint." She took a sip, not taking her eyes off of Jimin. The fluorescent lights flattered him; it brought out his high cheekbones.

"Well, cheers." They clapped their drinks together and drank.

The manager suddenly came through the doors again and looked at them both. He peered at Jimin with accusatory eyes.

"Jimin, it's almost time for closing." He said pointedly, his eyebrows furrowing at him, then at Nari.

Jimin blushed and almost coughed on his coffee.

"Just this please, sir." Nari said as she put the cup down on the counter, attempting to act as if she was a regular customer.

Jimin grinned at how formal she was. "Did you find everything alright?" Jimin said in his best employee voice.

"Of course. I really like what you've done with aisle 3. The way the candy bars are stacked so neatly next to the protein bars really puts your customer in a moral dilemma. Healthy, or junk food? An ingenious idea." Nari kept her composure well, but Jimin could tell she was about to burst in laughter.

Because of this, Jimin spat out a giggle and covered his mouth. He could feel the burning eyes of his manager.

"Thank you for shopping with us, please come back soon!" Jimin said as he collected her money. He waved at her as she left, his heart sinking a little at the sight of her absence.

"She a friend of yours?" The manager asked.

"Actually, she's quite the regular here. She comes in almost every night to buy something." Jimin tried his best to avoid the charged question.

"You know, there are lots of other high school lowlifes who would love a job like this." He pressed.

Jimin broke eye contact with him. "I'm sorry." He bowed.

The manager rolled his eyes, tossed him the keys to Jimin, and walked out the back door.

Jimin locked up and left, ready to get back into bed after an exhausting night.

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