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Jimin didn't think his job could get any worse.

But apparently it can, and it did.

Since his outburst, Nari hadn't come into the store once. Jimin had been working long enough that he could probably ask to be unassigned to the graveyard shift, but part of him didn't want to. Deep down, he knew that she would come back.

But when?

The need to apologize to Nari and the guilt of the situation was going to eat him alive, and it was already starting to. He was in the wrong for calling her out, but that night, his emotions dominated his logic.

And he paid the price for it.

He wished more than anything that she would walk through those doors again, so he could make things right. But, he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to apologize correctly. It always seemed like he was saying all the wrong things around her at all the wrong times.

Just another sign of infatuation, he assumed.

Sometimes, he would get a crazy idea to run outside and call her name out, throwing pebbles at random windows, maybe even knocking on doors if he had enough courage. She lives close by, and would most likely hear him, but would she come out after seeing it was him?

All he was to her was just some convenience store worker in a ugly red uniform. 

He was sure of that.

But how could he change that?

Jimin spent another empty and lonely night stocking shelves and fighting boredom. He scrolled on his phone recalling all the conversations he had with Nari, regretting that not one of them included asking for her number. Though he is sure it wouldn't matter now. He would just get off task spamming her with embarrassing apologetic messages and making himself look foolish.


The time came and went, and after many shelves were stocked and simple odd jobs completed, his shift came to an end.

For the first time ever, Jimin didn't want to leave. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts, and he also wanted to wait just a little bit longer, just to see if she would show up.

He prayed he would see her soon, hoping that anyone would listen to his plea.

graveyard shift // pjm [completed]Where stories live. Discover now