Chapter 3- Stormy Weather

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

As I was leaping from rooftop to rooftop to get to the scene of the crime. I stopped as I saw some cars flying above me and they weren't the only ones. There were two other things flying as well; a girl wearing a ladybug suit and a boy wearing a black cat costume. "That must be them." I said to myself.

I followed them as they landed in a street. A car separating them as they both split up. Chat Noir was almost going to be hit by a red car which dropped horizontally, then he faced to run the other way but to also be blocked by a police car which also dropped horizontally. Then both cars were going to crush Chat Noir, but to his luck, both cars hit each other, letting Chat Noir free and ran away. While Ladybug was avoiding being hit by a car. As they re-join, a white bus was going to hit them. I gasped.

As the bus was getting closer and closer to them, I had taken out the water from inside my belt. As the bus was going to crush them, they closed their eyes, then I got in front of them and quickly formed the water into a shield big enough for us and froze the water immediately. The bus broke into two pieces, each piece going the opposite direction. When they opened their eyes, they had noticed me, protecting them from being crushed by the bus. "Hey, thanks for giving us a hand." Chat Noir said. "Who are you?" Ladybug said. When I defrosted the water from being the shield and putting it back into my belt, I turned around and answered; "My name is Koi Fish. I already know about you guys, I mean you are Paris' superheroes after all."

Chat Noir's P.O.V.

"My name is Koi Fish. I already know about you guys, I mean you are Paris' superheroes after all." Woah. She is so beautiful and amazing. "Well can you tell us a bit about yourself?" I told her. "Not now. First we've got to find that girl and stop her." Koi Fish told me. "Right with you there. Come on!" Ladybug said. We started running, trying to reason things out.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Maybe she's got some unresolved anger issues." Ladybug said.

"Or she didn't pass from her driving test." Chat Noir said.

"Hello viewers!" We stopped to see that on a giant, broken TV screen appeared Stormy Weather. "It's the latest forecast for the first day of summer, looks like Mother Nature had a change in plans. Summer vacation is officially OVER!" Stormy Weather said.

"Already, but I look so good in a swimsuit." Chat Noir said as he wiggled his eyebrows at both of us.

"The cat suit will do thanks. At least now we know where to find her." Ladybug said.

At the studio

As we were running in, Chat Noir stopped and looked at a cardboard cut-out of someone.

"Hey that girl reminds me of someone." He said.

"It's her. The akuma must be in her parasol" Ladybug said.

In front of the recording room

We tried to open the doors, then we walked back and ran towards the door. As we opened it, we saw no-one in there.

"But how?" I said.

"It's a recording." Ladybug said.

Then we heard giggling behind us. We turned around and saw Stormy Weather giggling. She blasted lightning from her parasol towards the lights, taking out all of the lights in the building. A couple fall as she does this as we were almost hit by some. Laughing, Stormy Weather runs off.

"Frosty the snow girl is getting away." Chat Noir said. Ladybug and I stumble unable to find our way in the dark.

"Oh do I hear two damsels in distress?" Chat Noir said. She said; "Some of us don't have night vision- whoa!" 

Koi Fish; A new hero in Paris (Chat Noir x Reader!Mermaid)Where stories live. Discover now