Chapter 9 - Le Pharaon

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(Y/n)'s house

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog.(Helicopter noises) Huh? What is that? (Ladybug flies by, hanging on to her yo-yo, tied to a helicopter. She drops a book.). Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride. (Alya runs over and picks up the book.) Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life? Whoa!" Alya said from her Ladyblog video.

"Wait, that book, could this mean that Ladybug might be someone I know? Well good thing I didn't lose anything." I said. Then there was an ad about the Louvre. After going on its website, I had found some information about Greek, Egyptian and Roman Gods. I told Kōhaku; "Hey, Kōhaku, why don't we go to the Louvre and discover something? You know I can't help it?"

"I don't see why it would be a bad idea, let's go! And maybe you might find out about something interesting." He said. What is he up to?

"Then let's go" I said as I grabbed my stuff and we headed out to go to the Louvre. I was running passed by a bus stop and Kōhaku said; "Uh, the bus stop is over there."

"Who said we're going by bus?" I said and like that, I jumped into the river, making sure that no one saw us and swam up to the Louvre. As we arrived at the Louvre, I dried myself and walked to the Louvre Museum.

The Louvre Museum

As I entered, I got the map about the museum.

"Oh, where should we start? There are so many amazing places to see, it reminds me of when I was in the sea, always trying to discover new things." I said to Kōhaku. Then I overheard someone talking about Neptune's statue. I asked them where it is and they showed me. When I arrived there, I was amazed, he looks just like how I imagined him. No one was in the room, then all of a sudden, I hear someone calling me.

"Kōhaku, did you call me?" I said. He said; "No, I didn't even open my mouth."

Then I heard it again; "(Y/n)."

"Who's there?" I asked again. Then I heard it again; "Don't you recognise me, my little guppy?"

Then I looked at the statue. I couldn't believe my eyes. Neptune was calling me. I said; "Grandfather?" (What? Neptune? My grandfather? How? Well you are actually the princess of the seas and also merfolk live for quite a long time.)

"How are you my little one?" Neptune said (he was just opening his mouth and making eye contact to talk to you). I said; "Great, I'm so happy that you are talking to me."

"I'm glad that you answered. Listen, you know how our family tradition is? When you are old enough, you'll get your own trident." He said. I said; "Of course, why?"

Then I looked at the Trident. Suddenly, something was appearing on the other hand of Neptune had appeared a necklace with the Trident on it:

 Suddenly, something was appearing on the other hand of Neptune had appeared a necklace with the Trident on it:

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Koi Fish; A new hero in Paris (Chat Noir x Reader!Mermaid)Where stories live. Discover now