Chapter 18 - Kung Food

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(Y/n)'s house

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I was getting ready to go out with my aunt to Le Grand Paris Hotel for the "World Greatest Chef" contest since I had nothing to do today, and I also need get some fresh air. (not in the super hero way by defeating an akumatizied villlian.) Also, (A/n) is going to be a judge on the show. Then my aunt called me from down stairs and said; "(Y/n), it's time to go. I'll wait for you in the limo."

"I'm coming" I said as I grabbed my bag, along with Kōhaku in it. While going down stairs, Kōhaku popped his head from my bag and said; "Mmmm, I hope there would be seaweed in their dishes."

"Kōhaku, don't forget that this is going to be on live television, so no running around." I said to him. He nodded and went back inside my bag as I arrived near my aunt's car.

Le Grand Paris Hotel.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel, the limo stopped in front of the main entrance. Then the limo driver opens the door for us and there were a lot of photographers who were taking pictures. My aunt was wearing a cute dress with a blazer and a pair of pumps. While I wore something even more casual: a denim jacket with a white shirt and a pair of black jeans and a cute pair of boots. My hair was let down and wavy. My aunt's hair was put up in a pony tail (Images below)

 My aunt's hair was put up in a pony tail (Images below)

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(Aunt's dress and her hair)

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(Aunt's dress and her hair)

(Aunt's dress and her hair)

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Koi Fish; A new hero in Paris (Chat Noir x Reader!Mermaid)Where stories live. Discover now