chapter 33

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Sunday week 2
Y/n pov 

It was like 6:30 in the morning and I haven't slept at all . I was just hoping that Grian was ok. The doctor let me and Kat stay since Friday in the room with him. Kat had to leave for an early a pointment with a woman ,so I was left with Grian alone . He was resting the doctor say he will be up in the next day or two. Still i want to kill who ever did this to him . I know this was an accident, but who did it ,grian has no enemys, no alinces ,no old friends so who want to kill/hurt him. Maybe it wasn't an accident.

I was in my own thoughts when someone knocked on the door. A lady with blue eye , black hair and in a lab suit came in.

"Hi miss someone is here to see him we need to know if ur ok with it"

" ok what his name ?" I questioned

"He says his name is .... jthestar" she said 

A wave of anger and confusion came over me 'J what is he doing here'?
"Y-yes let him in" I said almost letting the fear of my voice get out.

" ok he will be in in just a second " she left and then j came in a second later 
J looked so weird and did even look at me only Grian. His face told me that he was crying. His clothes looked like he rushed to get here without looking at them . He was really worried.

"Omg is he ok" he ran over to Grian beside.

"What are u doing here?" I said with a sour tone ..The reason im being so mean to him was because him and grian were not on good terms with their relationship, so there was a break up and me being grian sis i had to go on his side.

"I saw the news and i was afraid that he was dead" jay slightly yelled

"Why would u still care i though u had 'ur bae' to comfort u" after they broke up i saw a few days later on j Snapchat him , he was with this other girl making out with her.

"  i dumped that crazy bitch years ago " he said in gentle but rude voice.

"Oh i-"

"Anyway is he ok" j said cutting me off. i felt sorry for what i said but rubbed it of

"Yes the doctor said that he is in a coma which mean he asleep for 73 hour or less cuz of his powers"

"Oh thanks gord...i don't know what i would do without him."

"Me either" i mumbled"wait what do u mean?" I asked . J took a deep breath and looked at Grian and not me
"Grian was my first boyfriend ever ...and ...i still care about him even tho we broke up. When we broke up he made me realize that i was so selfish and unconsidering to people, so he changed me as a person and i thank him for that ." J said . I was speechless and surprised of what he said. I fell horrible.

"J I never knew im sorry" i said

"It fine ,time flys when ur thinking about life"


"So" he said trying to brighten the mood "do you know what actually happened" 

"All that the news said was he was in a car crash"

"Oh... wait, where were you when all this happened"

"I was at a friends for a sleepover"

" then where are your parents"

"Vacation for a month"

"so they don't know"

"Yes but don't tell them"

" I won't "

Me and J talked for a little while until he had to go . He said he will come back later but later could be never for a lot of us. 

It was now 12 pm and I started to get hungry . The nurse said I can get food from the café down stairs for free, so I went downstairs to get some food . While I was there getting in line I saw this black figure in the shadows . I looked away and then turned my head back to the same direction and they were not there. I shrugged it off and got my food. I went to the elevator pressed the up button. As I waited for the doors to open a man stepped by me and waited by me. He was really shady looking and seemed like he shouldn't have been there with his black hoodie covering his face ,but I didn't care all I need to know is that he will not get in my way. The door opened and we both walked in. We didn't talk nor look at each other the whole time. Out of knowhere he swong a punch at my face . I doge the hit still holding my tray in my hands. He started trying to hitting me but I blocked him. He grabbed my wrist and made drop my food. He pushed me against the wall making me feel pain in my back. I kicked him in his balls and he feel to the ground. I used magic to teleport to Grian's room . When I got there I saw a man about to inject a serum in his arm .I Ran to the man and-

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Cliff hanger sorry guys for me not posting i just was trying to write good chapters but did finsh them . I will try to post soon and i will see u later. Comment some ideas if u have any im runing out of them.
Bye  my
🔪  ❤  Psychopathic lovers ❤ 🔪
PS help me with my grammar and tell me if i mad any mistakes in the comments
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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