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"Who's she?" Tina asked while the brunette had picked up the small photograph of the girl with (Colored) hair and soft (Colored) eyes. Tina always asked the same question over and over whenever she saw the picture, hoping to someday get a reply from Newt about who the mystery girl was. In a way, Tina was jealous. Jealous of the girl's priority to always be carried around with Newt, and jealous of her overall. Newt sighed as he already knew what she was asking about, instantly trying to avoid the question.

"An old friend." Newt had said in a tone that was similar to a grumble. Tina looked over at him while he was sitting with Pickett, sort of playing with the small creature with his large index finger. She could instantly see through his annoyed state as he dodged her question rather obviously. She rubbed the frayed edges of the photo, stained in what looked to be drops of some liquid. Tina put back the photo into it's place before sitting on the table near where Newt sat with his small Bowtruckle. Newt slowly shifted his eyes to look at Tina, a warning like look across his face almost screaming: "Don't even try."

"You've gotta forget about her, Newt." She said in an almost pleading tone. This was not even close to the first time that she was hoping for Newt to forget the lost girl, and he was not getting any closer to cracking. "Tina, I'm not going to discuss this." His voice sounded a bit rougher than usual. Tina frowned before she sighed, pulling some of her dark locks behind her ears while she swayed her legs off the table slightly. She hated how attached Newton was to this girl. She definitely meant a lot to him.

"She must have left for a good reason." As soon as those words escaped Tina's mouth, Newt froze his finger. He kept his eyes on Pickett as if to try and control himself, but after a few moments he slowly raised his eyes up to meet Tina's. She knew she said the wrong thing to him, almost instantly. "You don't have the right to even assume that, Porpentina." Newt began, with a harsh tone while he had put Pickett down by her. His body language showed that he was angry, but his hurt eyes showed otherwise.

"I-" he could not dare to speak of the girl anymore. Too many memories were flooding back and he did not have an urge to breakdown in front of one of his close friends. "Never mind. I'm going to go out." Newt said as he had walked over to his long blue trench coat, putting it on over his shirt and vest. He walked back over to grab picket, with the small creature settling itself into his breast pocket. Tina opened her mouth to speak, but instantly stopped herself. She knew that it wasn't a good idea to continue pushing him.

She let him leave, and she did not even think twice about that. She simply just got up off the table, walking around to tend with the animals.

Newt was walking down the streets of New York City with his collar up. He was only there to visit for a bit, but every step he took had filled him with nostalgia of her. A sigh escaped his cold lips while he looked around with his eyebrows raised. His eyes had fallen upon an old antique shop that stood just a bit more up the street. It seemed to be rare these days, those antique shops. He had forced himself to continue walking, just far enough to reach the building. He stopped at the large wooden door and just stared at it for a moment. He took a deep breath as if guessing that the place was some sort of memory lane hell, and then slowly opened the door and walked in.

A bell chimed from overhead, signaling that someone had entered the store. Newt looked up to the bell curiously before he looked back forward, and then around at the room. All sorts of things littered the room, but the one thing that stood out the most was a small old picture frame.

He walked over cautiously, as if he were prey and someone were to pounce on him. He picked it up, feeling the weight of it instantly. It was heavy, and the gold looking paint was chipping off on the dented corners. He liked it, very much. He was hesitant to walk over to the cashier. Newt never was the type to be excited to be shopping in a muggle shop, even with her. But, soon enough he reached the front.

No one was there,

He tapped on the small bell that stood proudly on the counter before he looked around again. Just before he was to ring it again, a girl came running over. Her hair looking messy upon her head, and her eyes quickly meeting Newt's. She smiled at him before taking the frame he held, and checked the price tag.

"Sorry I took so long." She said, with a tired and exasperated sigh.

All Newt could do was stare at her with his heart pounding against his chest.

Fireflies • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now