Selfless: Chapter 2

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Individuals will respect you based on your selfless commitment, your character, and how you carry yourself in tough times.

~ Unknown

Selfless: Chapter 2 (Not Edited - will edit later) 

A Year Later: 

           I have just turned seventeen last week. My brother tried to call called me and wish me happy birthday, but my father took away my cell phone before he had the chance to say a word and broke it. Lucky for my brother his boy band has gotten way better and famous. News has been spreading like crazy about my brother's band 'The Four of Us'. I am just so proud of him. I listen to some of their music and let me tell you I am in love. People were going off about which band member is the cutest, but I really don't pay attention to none of that crap. I like the music and that's all it matters to me.

           So I have been a month clean of cutting myself. Nothing I am proud of, well instead of the fact that I am a month clean. Students heard of my brother leaving and they started to hurt me more since he wasn't there to protect me. I broke up with my boyfriend Joshua because he was being very abusive to me. He had also given me the idea of cutting myself. I would lock myself in the basement with the keyboard remembering all the memories I had with my brother. Then I would sometimes end up braking down and crying.

"Damn it Emily, get down here you are going to be late for school!" I heard my father yell.

           I frowned looking at the mirror. I covered some of the bruises from last night's beatings with makeup, but you can see parts of the black and blue seeping through the makeup. After a year he still hurts me for the same reason. He should just let it go, although a part of me feels like he enjoys hurting me, watching me squeal. Turning around I grabbed my book bag and made my way downstairs. My father waited at the door with his arms crossed.

"Leave now. These medical colleges look for perfect attendance and if you want me to give you back your freedom you got to earn it by going to medical school." He said.

I nodded, "Yes dad." I said as respectful as I can.

"Now go I can't stand to look at you."

           I kept my head low and walked right past him. When I woke up this morning I didn't bother to look out the window to check if it was going to rain and I kind of regretted it looking up to see that it might be a chance of a rainfall. My phone usually tells me these kinds of things, which goes to show you people rely on too much technology these days. I looked up towards the sky to see the gray clouds become darker with each passing minute. My steps became faster and shorter as I tried walking as fast as I can to school unluckily the rain started to pour down. My fast walking turned into running as I raced to get into school before I become wetter than I was now.

           In no time I reached my school. Kids just like me were racing to get inside. When I was in I wasted no time to get to my locker. I needed to make my father happy again by not being late. Putting in my locker combination I took out books that I need for my classes before lunch. I looked over to the mirror to see my makeup wearing off by the rain. Zipping up my book bag I placed it onto the floor so I can fix my hair. I took a rubber band and tied my hair in a ponytail and then grabbed my emergency makeup kit to start covering the bruises again. In no time you couldn't nearly see them.

"You own me!" I heard Tracy, the biggest bully in our school say behind me.

I turned around to see Tracy and her gang pushing Darcy, the school nerd up against the wall. "Listen my mother went to the hospital and I couldn't do your homework. I tried to call you, but your boyfriend picked up instead and said you were in bed." Darcy said pleadingly.

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