Selfless: Chapter 3

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Happy New Year! I hope you are enjoying your first day of 2014 or for some people their second day of 2014. This is the first chapter of a new year write it wisely.


"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."

- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Selfless: Chapter 3 (Not Edited - will edit later)

another year later

I am back to my usual self. A year ago my life was in more of a mess than it is now. In school my bully Tracy was kicked out of the school along with the jocks when the school janitor found me on the floor nearly beaten to death. He wasn't the only one that found me, but he was the only one that cared enough to help me. Minutes later after the found me I was quickly taken to the hospital for a month trying to recover. My mother would visit me keeping me updated on how my father was reacting to all of this. When I asked her why he wouldn't come, she would reply in hush tones that if he were to visit me that I wouldn't even make it out of this hospital alive.

Eventually I had to go home. My father acted normal for the rest of my junior year, but when the summer came I was locked in my house almost getting beaten every day. Darcy would call to hang out and I would always have to reject her explaining I had family problems and she would understand. Luckily summer ended and the beatings stop. It was like he was trying to keep it hidden from everyone. Something must have happened while I was gone for that month. I had a feeling the cops came to question him, but if they did my mother forgot to tell me because she tells me mostly everything.

On a good note I am graduating in just a few more weeks. School life was better and I was able to focus more without the beatings I get from my father. I got the highest overall grade average in my whole school so that means I needed to prepare a speech. You would think I made my father proud, but actually I didn't. Something is really wrong with him seriously. He won't be satisfied until I tell him I got accepted into medical school. I really want to make him proud even after all the things he have done for me because what can you expect, he is my dad.

It's been a year since I have spoken to my brother also. His band 'The Four of Us' is highly known across the world now. They have gotten really famous. So famous that now I heard their songs where ever I go. Let me not forget that Darcy is a big fan too. I still don't know how they look like and I still don't care. Darcy would always try to show me their pictures on her phone and I would always push it away. I only listen to their music and try to uncover the hidden message. I would ask my mother what she still thinks about Jason and she would pretend she didn't know who he was. It's sad how both my mother and father disowned Jason.

"Emily there is mail for you!" My mother yelled.

I sighed getting up from the sofa we still had in the basement. I usually just lay there remembering the events that happen in my life so far just like what I was doing now. I walked up the stairs and past the living room to get to the main entrance where we had a table with our mail. The only mail there was just for me. I picked it up all of them feeling a nice weight to them. This could possibly be my acceptance letters that I have been waiting for. Before I opened anything I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room. I walked over to my bed and sat down. My heart pounded ripped open the first envelope.

Dear Emily Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Full Sail University for this coming school year. You have an outstanding wide range of music abilities and we would love for you to share some of that with us. We think you would be a wonderful talent manger and we hope you accept our offer.

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