Selfless: Chapter 10

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Good people are like candles; they burn themselves up to give others light.

- Unknown

Selfless: Chapter 10 (Not Edited - will edit later)

Jason's POV

"EMILY!!!" Damn it we missed her.

Both Kevin and I stood in front of the hotel catching our breaths.

"She we go after her lad? I'm not sure if it's safe for her to be out there in the city all alone." Kevin said a few seconds later.

He was ready to call for a cab when I stopped him. "Let's leave her alone. If anything happens I'm sure the driver would notify us." Kevin nodded. "And besides we don't even know where she is headed."

With my last words being said both of us walked back into the glamorous hotel and into the elevator to rejoin the group that was left upstairs. When we walked back into the room my eyes quickly fell to Darcy's. She was already looking at me. I really like Darcy she's the type that I usually won't date, but the more days I spent with her the more I begin to like her. I understood why Tracy would be jealous because Darcy wasn't like the other girls.

"Hey Darcy." My eyes instantly went from hers to Kane's. He was seated by her on the bed. "You know I honestly think you are beautiful."

Instantly I was taken back by this. Kane interested in Darcy?! Darcy isn't even his type! You said she wasn't your type either I reminded myself. Sigh. I did say that, but people change. I change. I looked away as the both of the begin to have a conversation. In the corner of the room I saw Eli pull out a beer from the refrigerator. My lips felt dry and before I knew I walked across the room and took the beer out of Eli's hands. I took a big gulp before he had the chance to do it himself.

"You alright there mate?" He asked. His face looked concerned because he knew I wasn't a beer type of person. In fact he knew I hated beer.

I swallowed and took another huge sip before handing it back to him. "Kane likes Darcy huh?" I asked. The way it came out sounded like I was pissed, but I wasn't.

Eli just shrugged. "I guess. He has been telling me how he was struck by her beauty." He took a sip of his beer, "Why? Are you bothered by it?"

Was I bothered by it? I took Eli's beer out of his hand again and finished it. I guess I was bothered by it. "Don't tell Kane anything." I lowly whispered to him.

Eli nodded and I walked away from him with the empty beer bottle in my hand. There near the window Kevin looked out. I could tell by his expression that he was worried about my sister. I should be too, but Darcy and Kane laughter was driving me insane. Why the hell would Darcy be interested in him? The grip that I had on the beer bottle got a bit tighter. I needed to calm down before I burst.

"I'll be outside the room if anyone needs me." I almost growled out.

Before anyone could say anything I walked out the door and closed it behind me. Once in the hall way a wave of emotions got through me. My parents were dead, my sister isn't here. I felt alone. Sliding on the wall I fell onto the floor as I allow a few tears to escape. This was the first time I actually cried for the lost of my parents. I was too much within my thoughts to realize Darcy coming out the room and sitting next to me. When I realized it was her I closed my eyes tightly to try to get rid of the tears, but they didn't go away.

"It's okay to cry Jason." I heard her say. I felt her hands softly touch my arm and that's when my eyes opened to meet hers.

She looked so beautiful. I know I don't deserve her, but I wanted her. She was a flower in a field of wheat. "I don't want to cry. Not in front of you."

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