Selfless: Chapter 8

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"Remember that the best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other."

- Unknown

Selfless: Chapter 8 (Not Edited - will edit later)

            When the kids in Florida told me New York City was exciting they weren't kidding. Being in New York City for 30 minutes kept me at awe. My eyes were glued to the window as I watched the flickering lights from the tall beautiful buildings. This would be a place I would love to see every day of my life. It looked so lively. Unlike Florida there were tons of people on the streets of New York. It looked like transportation was easier to find here. Then there were so many stores! The only stores I had nearby me was a mall that I needed to drive to since I lived so far away. Seeing how it is in New York is amazing! People can just walk to their destinations.

"I wish someone told me about this place sooner." I turned my head to see Darcy looking out the window as well. She was right I would have moved here to get away from my parents.

            Daydreaming for a quick second, I got up to walk to the back where our beds are. It was hard for me to walk because the streets weren't as smooth, but I made it there without falling or tripping over things. Opening up the small curtain that hid my bed I picked up my music journal. Currently I was writing a new song, my first song in a long time. Let's just say I got some new inspiration.

"We are in New York." A deep beautiful Irish voice whispered behind me exactly the same time I felt strong arms hug me from behind.

I chuckled, "You don't say?"

"Hmm." He hummed on my neck. "What do yeh like to eat?"

I don't know why, but I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach. "Seafood." I replied. 

I felt a kiss get placed on the bottom of my neck before he pulled away. I turned around about to question why he did that, but Kane came out the bathroom.

"Management called. They want us to go on an interview on Good Morning America tomorrow." He said walking passed us.

Kevin didn't seem bothered or effected anyway by the announcement. "What do I say when they ask me if I am interested in a girl?" He asked with a playful look in his eyes.

I smiled, "Easy say that you are not interested in anyone right now." 

He again came up to me, but instead he hugged me in the front. "Then I would be lying to my fans because I am interested in this girl who looks so beautiful in every single angle." 

He leaned forward aiming for my lips. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck with my book still in my hand. I was ready to welcome his sweet lips.

"EMILY!" I heard Darcy yell from the front of the bus.

            I moved away from Kevin giving him a smile saying I am sorry before walking quickly up to the front to see what Darcy wanted. When I finally reached the front of the bus she was seated on the same spot that I left her, but instead of looking out the window she was looking into a book. I didn't recognize the book, so I couldn't come up with an idea of what was in it. I walked up to her and sat down peering over to look at what was in the book.

First off I could clearly see that they were sketches of what looked like us. It was like a picture by how real like the drawing was.

"I drew this out of memory." She said flipping the pages of the book slowly so I can examine it.

            There was a drawing of Eli and Kane fighting with each other, another one with my brother and me. Then I froze when she completely stopped at one drawing. It was a picture of Kevin and me. It was last night when during our dinner when we stopped at a restaurant to eat. The picture was simple yet beautiful. It showed Kevin and me looking at each other, but it clearly showed the emotions we had for each other. I could never guess that Darcy can draw this well to capture the emotions that we were giving off.

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