The encounter

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Tim flipped a lever, changing the tracks to head to the woods.

"Let's go."

Jojo hopped into the minecraft, for the third time that day. He was starting to hate minecarts.

"You know, minecarts were so fun to make tracks for in computer minecraft, but now they make me want to barf."

Sky grinned. "Just be happy you havn't already barfed."

"Ha ha ha. very funny."


They carefully left the tracks and entered the woods. Tim Kpt looking around nervously.

"So what are we doing?" asked Ian.

Tim sighed. "You won't be able to go home while herobrine is on the loose. As impossible as it is, you'll have to defeat him."

"How do we do that?" 

"Well, there are some rumors about enchantments that can make you protected from his attacks. but they are supposed to be scattered all over minecraft."

"how do you hide enchantments?"

"They're enchanted books."

"I guess that makes sen...Arg!"  Everyone whirled around at Ian's cry. He had been standing at the back of the group, so no one knew what happened.

Two sharp points protruded from low in Ian's chest. It wasn't until he collapsed forward that they understood what was happening. Two purple arrows jutted fro his back.

Sky ran forward an grabbed Ian, Carefully dragging him behind a tree.

"What the hack is going on?!" Sky yelled.

They quickly looked out from behind the trees. Standing in a small clearing was a man in a cyan shirt, with glowing eyes.

"Herobrine." Whispered Jojo.

Tim swore. "Get out of here!'

"Not again! You are not staying behind." Jojo Stared at Tim.

Tim ignored him, jumping out from behind his tree, pulling something from his pocket. There were two load bangs, then silence.

Herobrine looked down at the two small holes in his chest. Tim stood, holding the pistol he had just shot.

Herobrine started to laugh. "Did you really think," He growled, as the holes sealed themselves, "That I was that easily defeated?"

Tim glanced back at the group. "Get out of here!" 

"No!" shouted Jojo.

Tim smiled sadly. " I'll slow him down." He shoved the pistol in his bag, then tossed the bg to Jojo. "I'll slow him down." 

With that tim drew his diamond sword. He took a swing, only to be blocked by the pickax that appeared in his foes hand.


Jojo reluctantly turned away, running with the rest of the group. He glanced back, only to see Tim run through with herobrine's pickaxe.

"Nooooo!" Jojo went to turn around, but was stopped by Sky.

"Don't let him have wasted his life." Sky whispered in his ear. Then he pulled Jojo deeper into the woods.


Herobrine wiped the blood off his pickaxe. then he turned to his minion. "I told you to eliminate them. this is your last chance. go after them, and Kill them"

The minion bowed his head. "As you wish, Master Herobrine."


A/N:Wow. That is not how i pictured this chapter ending. Just so you all know, I don't plan the chapters ahead of time. I have a general Idea of where they are going, and a few twists in mind,but the details are come up with on the spot.  Poor Tim, and poor Jojo.

If you enjoy this story, leave a vote and a comment. I update every day o every other day, so stay tuned for more!!

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