To Save a Friend

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Mitch's POV

Mitch didn't waste time trying to figure out where they went. His friend was in danger, and needed seriuse medical attention. He was still alive, but not for long. If they didn't get him to a hospital, he wouldn't last more then a day.
"Give menthe potion!" He practically screamed. Someone pressed it into his hand. Mitch popped the cork from the top, and poored it into JoJo's mouth. After a moment he swallowed. Instantly the flow of the blood lessened.
"You've done it!" Sky cried.
But Mitch was shaking his head. "I've only bought us time. The potion slowed his blood flow, put him almost in a coma. But it didn't heal the wound. For that we need a warlock or sorcerer, the kind found in most hospitals."
Ian frowned, "how do you know all this?"
Mich gave a humorless grin, "Ironically, Tim told me. He told me and Jojo all about this world we found ourselves in. The only useful thing he did, the little traitor."  Mitch sighed. "Help m.." Mitch stopped.
Purple energy particles flew through the air all around them.
"No need to come find a sorcerer. For i, found you."
Standing behind them was a man, wearing a purple cloak over a white shirt trimmed in purple, pants of black, and shoes of white. He had not been there a second before. But there he was, surrounded by swirling purple energy.
Mitch reached behind him, looking for a weapon, anything. His hand closed on the empty bottle. He flung it at the newcomer.
The man raised a hand almost lazily, trailing purple. The sparks condensed around the bottle stopping it in its tracks.
"Now that's not very nice. Normally I'd take offence, but I'm guessing  your a bit... Shookup by what's happened. "
"So your not going to kill us?" Sky asked.
"No, of course not."
"Then what are you here for?" Barked Mitch.
The man raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it oviose? I'm going to save your friend.


The sorcerer, who informed them his name was Seto,  leaned over  Jojo. His hands hovered over the wound as he muttered words of healing and repair.As Mitch watched, the wound slowly closed up, and JoJo's face returned to a healthy pink.
Seto stood, and pulled Mitch to the side.
" so, is he better?" Asked Mitch worriedly.
"The wound is closed, but his strength hasn't returned. Also, I'll warn you now. His memory of what happened could be damaged, even gone. Be careful how you tell him what happened. From what you told me, he was close to Tim. You don't want to hurt him more then he has been." Seto paused, reaching into his cloak. "This is a potion to give him strength. He is to take it everyday until he can go without it."
Mitch took the bottle. Written on a labe was instructions of how much to use. He tucked it into his bag.
"Also, I would be careful. This section of woods is filled with mercinarys and strange beings many would.." Suddenly, he stopped with a grunt. Seto took a shaky breath, and swayed, first one way, the. The other, before toppling to the ground in a heap, revealing the cause: an arrow, tipped with obsidian, protruding from his back.
Mitch went to check him, when a voice sounded from the trees.
" If you don't want to end up roasted, you'll leave him be."
Mitch took a deep breath, and stood still. But not because of fear. He was pinpointing the location of the speaker. When he determined the direction, he grabbed his sword from his back and threw it, all in one motion.
There was the sound of, could it be wings? And then a collum of fire engulfed the sword. When the fire faded the sword was a puddle of iron and burnt leather.
The voice chuckled.
"Good arm. A futile atempt at killing a being like me, but effective against anything else. I respect that and will leave you be. But if you want to survive, I recommend leaving these woods."
With that the creature took flight. Mitch got one glimpse of dragonlike wings and tail, and a human head, headphones glinting in the moonlight.
And the it was gone.
Mitch shook his head. What sort of being kills one person,them just leaves?
Mitch's eyes widened, and he turned back to where Seto fell.
The sorcerer was gone, leaving A small box and a note on the ground.
Don't worry, I'm not dead. Sorcerers can only be killed by a hit to the heart, and he hit a little low.
I didn't get the chance to say, but your group inspired me. You didn't leave your friend for dead, and stood up to beings much more powerful then you.
If you want to defeat Herobrine, you'll need help. Four people don't stand a chance against his army of mobs. Luckily, I have a group of, well , powerful friends who can. Help you. They are base in the ruins of the original city, where the machine that brought you all here is. You can trust them.
They have a vast arsenal of enchanted weaponry, as we'll as armour. If you can make it to them, you might stand a chance.
In fact you already met one of them. The being in the trees was not the one who shot me. He is a friend of mine, who probably killed whoever did it.
In the box you will find a map, a key, and a potion. The map will lead you to my friends, and the key will get you through the city gate. The potion I will explane when you get to the city .
I await your ariva.
       -seto the sorcerer

Mitch lowered the paper.
This was going to be interesting.

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