A Warm Reception

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it wasn't ruined in the same way as New Manhattan. Most of the buildings were still standing. But they were all damaged, often missing whole walls and ceilings. Everything at this edge of the city was covered in a layer of ash and grime. As they made their way toward the center, the amount of damage increased, until whole buildings were missing, and those that remained were at most a single story.and the damage continued to get worse the farther into the city they got.

Until suddenly it stopped.

For about twenty blocks in front of them there were no buildings, no ruble. just bare dirt and the road they stood on. On the other side of the gap stood a second wall, almost as high as the first once was. Not a brick was out of place, no wear or tear. It stood strong and firm against anyone and anything.

Probably also strengthened by magic. thought Mitch, using what he knew about the city.

Figures appeared at the top of the wall.

"Who are you and what do you want?" A voice yelled at them from the top of the wall.

"We are travelers, sent here by Seto the Sorcerer."

"Well then i guess we better get you in here."

More figures appeared on the top of the wall. There was the sound of compressed air being released, before Mitch felt a dart bite into his neck.

How hospitable,he thought, as he sank into unconsciousness.


"Hey, Mitch! you planning on sleeping all day?"

Mitch struggled to wake up. he knew that voice...... Managing to open his eyes a slit, he saw Seto gently slapping his cheek. 

"There you go Mitch. come on."

Groaning Mitch opened his eyes the rest of the way. Seto looked like he had last time he saw him, except for the fact that the edge of a bandage peeked out of his shirt collar. Besides that, Mitch could barely tell he'd been shot.

"Hi Seto..." Mitch mumbled, "You're looking good."

Seto Laughed. "Being a Sorcerer does that." Reaching down, Seto helped Mitch up. "Sorry for your treatment, can never be too sure. Everyone else is in the other room. come on."

Mitch followed Seto into the next room. Sky, Jojo, and Ian were sitting around a table with a couple others. One was dressed in a cyan shirt and blue pants.He had Blue eyes and brown hair.. The other wore black pants, a grey shirt, and had black hair with purple stripes. Her eyes were an almost glowing purple.

The girl stood up and shook hands with Mitch. 

"My name is Deara. HE's Steve." She said, pointing to the man at the table.

"Mitch." He said. 

Deara smiled. "I know. Seto told us about you."

"Good things I hope?"

Deara grinned. "You'll fit in perfectly here."

A/N: The picture at the top is of my new character, Deara. She is one of my characters, from another story i wrote.

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