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Mitch walked back to the camp, a slight grin fixed to his face. His worry about Seto being dead averted, he felt positively joyous. They finally had a definite chance to defeat Herobrine. After all, a city of mutants and magic users must stand some sort of chance against him.

At least he hoped so. If they couldn't defeat Herobrine with those forces, then most likely no one could. After all, an army of magic users wasn't something to be laughed at.

Mitch shook these thoughts from his head. They would only get him down at this point. Having any hope was good, especially in these circumstances.

When he arrived back at camp, the others looked at him curiously.

"Where's Seto?" asked sky, noticing the missing sorcerer.

"HE got shot by a bow." mitch said, drawing a gasp from the group.

"He's fine, but he had to leave to heal. He gave me this though:"

Mitch pulled out the box and note. "In here is a map that will lead us to a group of people who will help us against herobrine. If Seto is to be believed, this could be our one chance to defeat him."

"Where is this group?" Ian had spoken up.

"In the original city. Apparently it's also the one that held the machine, the noe that brought us here." Mitch watched for a reaction, but the first one he got wasn't from who he expected.

"I know you're talking about the fate of the world and all, but could you quiet down? I'm trying to heal from being stabbed, in the freaking chest. Admittedly it's healing nicely, but still.

Jojo Was sitting up, using the tree they had laid him next to for support. He still looked pretty pale, but he was talking, and looked happy to be up.

"OH and MItchammmph."
He was drowned out by Mitch enveloping him in a hug." (Note:not an "I love you" hug, but an "I'm glad you're not dead!" hug.)

"I'm glad you're not dead." Mitch mumbled into his shoulder.

"Mitch..... I'm glad I'm not dead too, but you're kind of causing me excruciating pain right now. So please stop."

Mitch hurriedly released Jojo, not wanting to hurt him.

Jojo grinned, feeling his Chest.

"Thanks. I don't want to have survived this just to be killed by one of my friends. That would not look good on my gravestone."
Mitch chuckled. "How can you still have the will to crack jokes? You were nearly killed by a knife to your chest, but nope, still got to make those jokes."

"What can i say, it's a talent."
Mitch chuckled again. "If you're done, we've got some planning to do."

Jojo started to lean forward, then winced. "So, what have we got?"

MItch explained. As he talked, he noticed how the others payed close attention to Jojo when he spoke. Somehow, after Tim 'Died', he had become the leading. From the way he acted, Jojo knew this. He almost certainly only went with it because none of the rest of them could. Sky and ian were good fighters, but they didn't strategize, they didn't plan. Mitch could, but he didn't have the will to lead. He would if he had to, but otherwise he would always recommend a better choice.

There was also something else, although he hated to admit it. I feel guilty. HE thought, I abandoned Preston and Jerome when they needed me. So why should i deserve to be a leader.

Although deep down he knew this was ridiculous, it was still there. HE may have had nothing to do with leaving them, but his mind still whispered It's all your fault.

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